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More vehicles. Mostly cars

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Vehicles would be far more accessible if the off-map despawn function actually freaking worked. Within a week of heli's being reintroduced, they've all been found and hoarded by asstards.

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kinda agree with triscuit, only seen a vehicle once and it was a fresh spawn, meaning someone lost his little red car...took it for a ride and then left it...came back next day and it was gone, probably stashed some place deep into the woods now.

so instead of asking for more vehicles, go into the woods and try to find those vehicles and either steal them or blow them up.

i definately like the idea of having to maintain a car with replacing parts after some time.

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So this idea kind of evolved while I was typing the last post... I didn't flesh it out there, because it was the end of the day and I was trying to pound it out before I left work (DON'T JUDGE ME!).

But in any case... while I firmly belive that people should have to EDIT: SHOULD NOT HAVE TO (lol) resort to cruising the edge of the map looking for vehicles to have any chance of finding one, I've decided that it's exactly what I want to do. I hearby commission the Vehicle Redistribution Force Chernarus Economic Management Authority to go out and destroy vehicles and tents found on the outskirts of the map. Don't just steal it and move it somewhere else... destroy it so it respawns. Maybe steal ONE, and use it to find others... But it sounds fun for a number of reasons:

1) sticking it to the people that are breaking the game (to an extent, not comparing hoarders to hackers by any means, just think it needs to be limited)

2) reduce item-inflation by stoping the item-duping cycle

3) bring the joy of finding a sweet vehicle to more players

4) last, but certainly not least, the rush of raiding a bunch of camps... eventually you're going to run into the hoarders themselves doing this, and it should make for some fun PVP. If someone catches me destroying their crap, no matter how they acquired it, I would certainly expect them to defend it, and that's fun times right there. There are few parts of this game that are as fun as the rush of a close encounter/combat, so anything that gives me more of that is a good thing.

Edited by thegreattriscuit

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I can't see a valid reason to increase the number of vehicles.

Maybe a bit but not too much, otherwise the sense of desperation would decrease. Whenever I see a car or a truck, I should feel surprised, relieved and lucky because of the survival nature of the game. If the number of vehicles increase, these feelings won't be anymore (and in a game like this would be a big loss).

Also, the game would be plenty of players who use vehicles to run over zombies (like Carmageddon) and this is not good.

And again, in movies and videogames about post-apocalyptic worlds there are not so much vehicles (mostly are damaged), especially when we are in a 225 km2 open world state only.

DayZ is about a challenging and thrilling game where basicly you have to survive. I dont' want to play GTA mixed with Black Ops.

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I can't see a valid reason to increase the number of vehicles.

Maybe a bit but not too much, otherwise the sense of desperation would decrease. Whenever I see a car or a truck, I should feel surprised, relieved and lucky because of the survival nature of the game. If the number of vehicles increase, these feelings won't be anymore (and in a game like this would be a big loss).

Also, the game would be plenty of players who use vehicles to run over zombies (like Carmageddon) and this is not good.

And again, in movies and videogames about post-apocalyptic worlds there are not so much vehicles (mostly are damaged), especially when we are in a 225 km2 open world state only.

DayZ is about a challenging and thrilling game where basicly you have to survive. I dont' want to play GTA mixed with Black Ops.

I have to disagree about the realism argument. Vehicles left unattended may need work - find new engine parts etc - but they would be mostly operational. I mean how long is it supposed to have been since the zeds moved in? If we are talking anything under twenty years there would be plenty of working vehicles around which must be the case as there are piles of bodies, non-expired food etc.

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I have to disagree about the realism argument. Vehicles left unattended may need work - find new engine parts etc - but they would be mostly operational. I mean how long is it supposed to have been since the zeds moved in? If we are talking anything under twenty years there would be plenty of working vehicles around which must be the case as there are piles of bodies, non-expired food etc.

Ok, but still I can't see a valid reason to increase the number of vehicles.

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So this idea kind of evolved while I was typing the last post... I didn't flesh it out there, because it was the end of the day and I was trying to pound it out before I left work (DON'T JUDGE ME!).

But in any case... while I firmly belive that people should have to EDIT: SHOULD NOT HAVE TO (lol) resort to cruising the edge of the map looking for vehicles to have any chance of finding one, I've decided that it's exactly what I want to do. I hearby commission the Vehicle Redistribution Force Chernarus Economic Management Authority to go out and destroy vehicles and tents found on the outskirts of the map. Don't just steal it and move it somewhere else... destroy it so it respawns. Maybe steal ONE, and use it to find others... But it sounds fun for a number of reasons:

1) sticking it to the people that are breaking the game (to an extent, not comparing hoarders to hackers by any means, just think it needs to be limited)

2) reduce item-inflation by stoping the item-duping cycle

3) bring the joy of finding a sweet vehicle to more players

4) last, but certainly not least, the rush of raiding a bunch of camps... eventually you're going to run into the hoarders themselves doing this, and it should make for some fun PVP. If someone catches me destroying their crap, no matter how they acquired it, I would certainly expect them to defend it, and that's fun times right there. There are few parts of this game that are as fun as the rush of a close encounter/combat, so anything that gives me more of that is a good thing.

The hole in this logic is that you‘re assuming that vehicles are being kept within the bounds of the map. They‘re -not-. They‘re 5-15km off the edge of the map; helis have the range to be 20km+ off the edge. Off-map despawn mechanics are -not- working, and unfortunately vehicles within the map are free game for kiddies with ESP/map hacks.

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The problem is where you say "50 people". You're right, that's a standard server size, or close enough to it. Hell, you've even got plenty of low pop servers with 10 or less, right? So I should be able to log onto a server with 15 people and the game turns into Grand Theft Auto: Chernarus, right? Well it's obviously not. Why is that? It's because your population of '50' is absurd. If you just take the last 24 hours you've got (number of players in DayZ) / (number of servers) players that have been on that server, on average.

so what is that right now... 173,000 / (approx. 2500 servers*) = 69 players. And that's only in 24 hours. In reality, when you factor players vs. vehicles, since the vehicles persist across server resets, you count the number of players since the server came online, since that's the amount of people that could have found that vehicle and driven it out off the edge of the map, or at least the corners somewhere.

To be clear when I said the average server size is 50 players, what I meant was "50 is the maximum players the server will allow". Yes there are bigger and smaller servers but 50 is the number i see most.

Furthermore your math shows an average of 69 players per server. (even though that's nowhere near close to accurate) So do you think think maybe JUST MAYBE that one of those other people got to the fresh spawn vehicle before you? Have you even considered that if you find 1 vehicle the chances of finding more goes up by leaps and bounds? Think about it .. you want to check a vehicle spawn, so you head to where it spawns. It's not there because random player A got there first and fixed it up. You then decide that you want to check the nearest spawn to the one you are at, BUT maybe random player A has the same thought and gets there first again because he has the first vehicle. If random player A has a friend than they together fix it up together and drive off with both vehicles while you get there late again and boohoo about the "lack of vehicles".

Now lets consider that Rocket adds another 2, 5 or even 30 vehicles. Your chances of finding them go up slightly but more likely is the fact that you get to those spawns late, as well, and the people who already had vehicles simply have more. Crying about a lack of vehicles doesn't put vehicles in your hands. Searching does.

Please reread the last thing I typed in my first post .. hell I'll copypasta it for you so you don't need to search. "Also remember that vehicles have a CHANCE to spawn. That means they have a higher chance to NOT spawn."

Try not to forget that Day Z is a survival game, not a drive and shoot like GTA or a racing game like Need for Speed. Vehicles are prized possessions of people who earned them either by fixing them the hard way or stealing them from people that fixed them the hard way. Crying won't get you any wheels and it sure as hell won't get you any beans from me.

So like I said earlier, vehicle count is fine. Whiner count is a little high though.

No Beans for you.

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