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Assasins of the Mist [US]

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Hey DayZ forum users!

Myself and my friend, Latsi (Laat-see), have known each other for a long while, and are looking to make our group of six, based out of, but not limited to, the US, bigger. We have a small camp set up, and could supply any new recruits with some light gear/medium gear.

We have 2 camps on two different servers and were split up into two teams right now, Gold and (shit)Brown team.\

And we are going to have a third team. Red Team. Red team will be medics, and people can reach out to us on the forums. RED TEAM IS NOT IMPLEMENTED YET, DO NOT ASK TO BE RESCUED <3

Basically, here's the breakdown:

Red team = Medics

Gold team = Recon/Sniping/911: Rescue/Shitting on Brown Team’s life

Brown Team = Extraction/Raiding

(we love and respect brown team, theres just rivalry going on and I'm on gold team, so I had too)

Keep in mind all of these "teams" are still in dev. and nothing here is permanent

We have CZ550s, 2 FN FALs, 1 FN FAL AN/PVS-4, 2 M16A2s, 2 Bizons, 2 AKM's, 2 Lee Enfields, an M4A2 CCO, and 1 Remington 870 (Flashlight). I mat be forgetting a few. We're also Always collecting new gear and losing old gear so this is subject to change.


All six of us "had" ghillie suits, but 2 members lost their's to a god mode sniper in Cherno. Moral is, we'll take care of you.

We also (might) have a white GAZ. It's "might" because a server restart caused it to disappear and we don't know if it's back yet, I'll keep you posted. We also also have a V3S Civilian with spare parts.


So, if you are interested in joining, leave a post here or contact Latsi or I on Skype. Leave your current assets, wherabouts, and why you think we should allow you in our group, here.

When you message or contact request Latsi, let him know that Pete put the post up.

I'd prefer you get back to me with a reply or PM.

If we decide you're good enough we'll have an interview of sorts at a later date. And if we like you, we'll go kill zambies together :D

Latsi's Skype Name: xTraversyHD

Pete's (me) Skype Name: moozoom25


We usually play from 6PM-12AM EST, weekends either we dont play at all or we play nonstop.

Also, you must be age 15+, and be a bit laidback.

We also are on east coast US so if you're in the same time zone it might help.


PS: Most of us are NOT "front men" we don't typically run'n'gun through cities.

So we're looking for people that are good at avoiding snipers, not being snipers,

relaying their position well, and possibly implementing some military tactis too.

The server's we play on are located in the mid/eastern US, but we find at least 2 tents a day (*facepalm*) and we're always looking for a new server/experience.


Can't wait to hear from you!


Gold Team Leader -Pete

[EDIT: 11:28 8/6/12]

[EDIT: 11:52 8/6/12]

[EDIT: ]

Edited by -pete

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Hey pete cheers for the reply earlier. Your hours work quite well for me, but am curious as to where both of your servers are based? Ill message you on skype in a wee bit, currently working atm (well, more like work/procrastination ;))

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I'm still pretty new to the game, but I'm looking for some guys to team up with. I'd be interested in Brown or Gold team.

And I'm on CST, so our times match fairly well.

Skype: Slawl767

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:) m8s, wish u all the best in your intentions.. suonds cool and i would be glad to join you but i prefer EU based teams, just coz the time zone difference, tried to play with US group for a while but as an working man, the time zone difference was killing me..GL&HF

Edited by snowcrAsh42

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If your still looking for people, I'm down... I'm brand new to the game, but learn quickly... I am on the east coast and my Skype name is aresyen.

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