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Why can't we just have one solid username?

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No clue on limitations with how ArmA works and whatnot, but would this not be a very simple fix to a lot of hacking? Every person just has their own unique username... And when that person is spotted hacking and valid proof is taken of them, they could be dealt with much, MUCH easier.

Even if it's something like San Andreas Multiplayer used to do.. You can choose whatever name you'd like, and if you're the first person to login with that username you set a password once you're in the game or lobby. Now if anyone else tries to use that username they'd have to enter the password. I only bring this idea up since it seems with how Arma was made it probably isn't possible to just throw in a username/password ordeal.

This could also be taken a step further by forcing nameplates on all servers. Now, I know it's against the realism and some people like to just around panning areas looking for someone's name to check the coast is clear... but imo this still doesn't stand up against the reduction of hacking.

Edited by ShiZaNkY
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True, obviously there are reasons for and against, but the idea of preventing hackers seems much more for.

I've been trying to think of any setbacks for it... but any I can come up with are nowhere greater than how much hacking could be prevented with this.

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Arma compatible with cyrillic alphabet, so ShiZаNкY and ShiZаNкY will be different nicknames for system, but the same for humans.

Edited by run4way

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Has nothing to do with username. Those hackers already have a unique name, the GUID, when it comes to the game.

If they can falsify that they can falsify a name just as easily.

If you couldn't change your name it would allow people to follow you from server to server. No thanks. It'd be the end of dayz streaming if you could find where the streamer was playing with a simple name scan.

What people need to consider before starting threads like this is that the developers aren't retards. This is actually their job, they have plenty of incentive to come up with good ideas to fix the problems. The odds of you finding a magic bullet that they've overlooked are slim to nonexistent. Generally something that looks perfect from your point of view has a number of drawbacks from the devs' point of view, drawbacks you're not considering.

Edited by random51
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Even better if your name was linked to the CD or IP adress?

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It just seems there could be some sort of more logical way of tracking which player is which. I've talked with several server owners/admins and it seems to be a real pain in the ass to just get the GUID of a player. Nonetheless the one of who is hacking. And that's after you weed through all the QQ'ers saying someone's hacking every time they die just to send the admins on a wild goose chase.

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Has nothing to do with username. Those hackers already have a unique name, the GUID, when it comes to the game.

If they can falsify that they can falsify a name just as easily.

If you couldn't change your name it would allow people to follow you from server to server. No thanks. It'd be the end of dayz streaming if you could find where the streamer was playing with a simple name scan.

What people need to consider before starting threads like this is that the developers aren't retards. This is actually their job, they have plenty of incentive to come up with good ideas to fix the problems. The odds of you finding a magic bullet that they've overlooked are slim to nonexistent. Generally something that looks perfect from your point of view has a number of drawbacks from the devs' point of view, drawbacks you're not considering.


Every arma2 client has an ingame ID attached to the CD-Key. Whenever someone's is banned by BattleEye he's banned by the ID, not the ingame user name. That's what's you'r asking for, a permanent "name" for easier bans. Pretty sure server admins can know the ID of players too.

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They're not hackers, they're gun toting wizards that spawn helicopters and make it rain zombies. That occasionally shoot me in the face with miniguns.

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Every arma2 client has an ingame ID attached to the CD-Key. Whenever someone's is banned by BattleEye he's banned by the ID, not the ingame user name. That's what's you'r asking for, a permanent "name" for easier bans. Pretty sure server admins can know the ID of players too.

I get what random51 said, and that makes complete sense. That's why I said I'm not sure on ArmA's limitations. And yes admins CAN know the ID of players... but how often do you think it is someone can get actual proof and then that admin be convinced enough to take the time to weed through all the server logs to find the GUID of a player whose name might be the same as countless others? As of right now it seems absolutely ridiculous how easily hackers can get away with everything they do. I bet almost every one of em has absolutely no worries of being banned. Even just something as small as this could spark enough fear in some of the kiddies that they may have to make mom or dad buy ArmA again for em.

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