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L85A2 AWS, AS50 and Ghillie Suits x2 for trade, post offers here!

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L85A2 AWS.

The L85A2 is the main assault rifle of the British Army's SA80 series of weapons. Initially plagued by reliability and ergonomics issues, this weapon was modified in 2000 by then UK-owned Heckler & Koch, resulting in the A2 specification rifle. The L85A2 has incredible reliablity and accuracy, so much so that marksman tests for soldiers had to be redesigned.The L85A2 variant found in Dayz comes with a fictional Gen4 AWS (Advanced Weapon Sight).The fictional AWS is a hybrid of the current CWS (Common Weapon Sight) and FTS (FIST Thermal Sight) deployed as part of the current BAF FIST (Future Integrated Soldier Technology) programme. It is not currently possible to mount both of these sights on a standard Picatinny L85A2. This "AWS" is comprised of the CWS Pilkington/Qioptiq MAXIKITE2 x6 image intensifier night scope and the FTS Qioptiq VIPIR-2 x2.7 LWTI (Light Weight Thermal Imaging) Uncooled Thermal sight.The rifles sight makes this weapon arguably the best spotter/support rifle for a squad/team, as the thermal and multi-zoom sight can reveal players/zombies at great distances even while behind dense foliage or similar cover. This advantage can easily flush out entrenched players that would otherwise not have been seen while on the offensive, or as a part of a defensive over-watch.It is currently the only assault rifle in the game besides the AKM which can be zeroed.The L85A2 AWS weapons system is also equipped with a PEQ box that has a built in IR laser sight. This can be activated by pressing the "L" key (default). This features allows squads with multiple NVGs to spot enemies for their teamates.


The Accuracy International AS50 is a British anti-material .50 BMG sniper rifle. A gas-operated semi-automatic action, free-floating barrel, and muzzle brake provide the weapon system with rapid target acquisition, low recoil, and a ballistic precision of 1.5 MOA. The AS50 is light, easy to disassemble, and serviceable in the field without tools. Although similar to the M107, the AS50 is more accurate (1.5 vs. 3.0 MOA), displays less recoil, and generates less noise when fired. It produces the same damage (37552 blood points) as the M107 when utilizing 12.7x99mm (M107 Mag) ammunition, but demonstrates a higher muzzle velocity, reduced bullet drop, and increased damage (174205 blood points) when paired with 12.7x99mm NATO (AS50 Mag) ammunition. A single 12.7x99 NATO round (from an AS50 Mag) will disable a vehicle when directed at the engine block.

The relative size of the AS50 cannot be overstated; the barrel extends well above the player's head while slung and will often protrude from concealment (e.g. bushes, trees, etc.) when the sniper is prone. While viewing in first person mode, the AS50 may create a non-trivial blind spot on the shooter's right side; some players may find this obstruction unsuitable when travelling with the weapon equipped.

And two Ghillie suits, all for trade post your offers in the post below, and joke offers such as, a Can of beans or Chemlights will be removed, thanks and have a nice day.




Edited by JAMIEWILK0

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Soldier Clothing - Coyote's Nvg's RFG's RGO Frag Grenade , m107 , camo clothing Mk48's M249 saw , m4a1 cco sd m4 holo

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lol of course not a hacker probley gave it to him

Actually, saying that I found camo that was soldier-like.

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lol of course not a hacker probley gave it to him

I found a truck with some Soldier Clothing in it. Don't know if it was hacked or military trucks can spawn with soldier camo. The truck had other items in it, some weapons, mags, vehicle parts and food.

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I have an FN FAL, Bizon pp19 SD, or FN FAL AN/PVS-4

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I will give you 3 NVG's for one of those weapons or 1 nvg per ghillie. contact me on steam, ID olem222 if you're interested.

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he said soldier & camo closing, so i am sure he knows what he's talking about

if its legit i'd want one (pm with a screeny mayhaps?)

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