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The Scariest Thing in the Game

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When an intruder found our camp.

We gave him a choice of joining us or dying.

After not responding we had to kill him.

pic related

Then we ate him.

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the scariest thing in DayZ is when the server your on reaches 35+ people, because now you know it's a matter of time when the hacker kills you and the entire server. I might sprint down the streets of cherno just to know what its like to die to another player...

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Rabbits make me shit bricks on a daily basis. I hate them so much.

The best is playing at dusk and seeing two siloettes of things moving on top of a hill, heart starts pounding and you realize there is two bunnies running back and forth. Bugger!!

Edited by QKSILVR73

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Also, searching for camps near the border running over mountains, and seeing the tops of conifer trees that look like ghille snipers.

Or seeing ghillie snipers and not realising at first because you thought they were a tree.

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One of the scariest things for me is THAT guy. It seems that in every group I play with, there is a guy who is jumpy as a jackrabbit.

Him: "HOLY SH*T!"

Me: "What, is it a player?" * Heart is racing at the speed of light*

Him: "No, it's a zombie."

Da fuq....


I have a friend like that, it annoys me so much, every so often he is like "Woah Shit, never mind" or he just goes quiet for like 5 mins, then coughs so loudly and abruptly it makes me shart

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the sound as you go down a deer hyde ladder sounds like a zed growling at the bottom. brown my pants eveytime.

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There is this one zombie rabbit that roams the woods at night. You only see it seconds before it kills you. It has these two huge ragged edged teeth and it's eyes glow red and hisses just before it attacks. All you hear is a litle rustle in the bushes.

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Cows....they freak me out. Everytime I see one around me, I'm becoming paranoid because they stare at me...the whole time. And then I shoot and eat them :3

...but then a sheep spawns O_O

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I'm only afraid of two things in DayZ

1. Goats...everytime I come across a goat, I usually die or something bad happens

2. Doors/Gates...way more dangerous than zeds or other players

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I was in the pron position in electro, in first person view because I was trying to snipe a guy in the Fire Station. There were no zombies around me, and it was basically silent. All of a sudden, my screen goes dark, but it's also like it's...Moving. I flip out, almost jump out of my chair and go into third person. A bunny had run and gotten stuck on my head, right in my field of vision. :\

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The scariest thing in the game is the jeans some of the walkers wear. Talk about tight...

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I was in the pron position in electro,

Ah yes, but there are quite a few of them. Which is your favourite?

Pron positions are always more fun when third person is enabled.

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last night, i was happily on a uk server its all dark, running towards the nw airfield.

gf on my bed with her laptop thought she was watching a movie of something.

ive recently upgraded my surround sound so i can hear the faintest fart from a bird in day z.

hear some wierd noise behind me scares the shit out of me, i spin my toon round thermal scope on scanning, and i hear it again behind me, spin round nothing there.

turns out my gf was looking at shoes and was doing ooooughhh sounds at them.....

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Toilets, those things are death traps (and the end of my first day).

But has some servers enabled the player dot on the map (I didnt much like it, took the need to read the map away from me)?

I was about to have a nervous breakdown when I noticed "the man" on the map, you saying those are wild life?

I thought it was another player, and was wondering, "does he see me? is he coming for me, is it a sniper?"

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