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WANT: Mk48 Mod 0

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I can offer some good gear, including NVGs, Rangefinders, M4 CCO SD, SVD Camo Etc.

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I will trade you MK48 plus 2 ammo boxes for the SVD camo, how many clips you got for it

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2 Mags for the SVD.

And please, before you imply something is a trap look at my trade records.

Edited by *Regulator*Outypoo

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I can trade you an MK48 and 1 mag for a ghilly.

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goto the BIG island on the south east of the map. then go to US330 server. there's about 5 of them in the tents there. along with some AS50's and some L85's

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If you have a ghillie, I have mk48 mod 0 + 2 mags of m240, thanks for your time.

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