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The chat box

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I wonder if there is a way to switch off or hide the chat box on the

left down corner.....

I mean just disable the info you getting from the system, people

connecting to the server what arma mode they got and so on....

kind of annoying when you play at night and all this white chat going on :-/

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I too wouldn't mind being able to disable allot of the chat going on in the corner, since I travel with a group I don't read it at all most the time and to be honest it does take away from the immersion to hear every little whine from everyone on server and especially the incidental VOIP in side channel.

Personally I think whatever channel you have active at the time, side, global, direct, should be the ONLY channel you see.

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i have seen this and sometimes it gets a little crazy, im sure this is just an ALPHA thing though, so dont worry about it too much

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it'd be nice if they at least quit showing all the shit about what arma version they're running and such. no reason to see that stuff....

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