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Looking for more South African Players to Form a Group.

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Hi All

As the title says, I am looking to form a Group with South African Players. We will play on one of the official servers hosted by the ISPs in SA.

Post here if you are interested.


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hey there,

we are a group of 5 running on the SA servers almost everyday. we would like to "make the circle beeger" :P

how many guys are you?

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Only I am left at the moment. I am also Jamming the SA servers.

I got sniped and killed last night in Elektro, so no gear.

Buuut, I would looove to join your Group ^_^ - Invite me on Steam when you are online.

Steam = mouritzo

I am 25, and work from 08:00AM to 17:00 Weekdays, but will jam everynight if the group is a fun bunch of guys

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Hey Gr-8 White,

I have been playing Dayz for a while, trying to create or join a squad on the ZA Servers. Do you think I can join as well?

The thing is I don't play every night, and don't play for long periods of time! If that's a problem, I do understand!

Please let me know!

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I play Dayz when time permits ( I am a freelancer so I have to work in the evenings sometimes) I would like to Join a group so if there is still room please let me know. :)

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Guys let me know if u want one more guy to play dayz with you. (My skype is: philip.shark)

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Hi all


I been playing Dayz SA solo for around 2 wks on the south African servers - keep on dieing as I run into bandits - don't knw the map well - fast learner  - my best asset is that I am a good team player - looking to join a clan

I work flex hours from home which mean I can be on DayZ servers at all diff & odd hours 

Steam  name: Greenpeace 

Got teamspeak 3

Age: in 30s

Looking for brunch of guys who like having fun (not KOS) & working together for the common good


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Jislaaik, a bunch of South African okes.


I'd join you guys, but I need ADSL first :(

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Hi guys, I'm also looking for a crew with which to roll on the SA servers and have fun n games. No frivolous KOS banditism. How do I join? Can we meet somewhere, some time? I'm [groovy] positronicdude on steam.

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Oooo ... I am in.


Details ... details ... need details. 8-}

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If you're from south africa, wouldn't you be armed with spears and bows? Haha just kidding :p South africa is modern I know.

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Hey guys


Looking for a group to join in dayz sa. Ill leave my steam details below. Im not a bandit. I like playing fair.






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Hey there, Gr-8 White!


I've been looking for a group of people from South Africa to play with, because it's really not all that fun playing a game like this on your own!


I own a 30 Slot server that I have full control of, and I have a well geared character in Elektrozavodsk that I am currently playing as. 


My steam name is: CV Riggs


Contact me if you'd like me in your crew, I know I'd like to be in it!

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SamuraiTurtle, CVRiggs, [Groovy], I've invited all of you on Steam, I'm WittyProfileName


I'm also South African, looking for more players to team up with. Let me know when you're online and we can jam. I'm usually online weekdays after 18:30 and any time over weekends

Edited by generic username

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Hi Guys


I know this is an old topic but if you could add me to the group my steam name is Maddog, from Stellenbosch.

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Hi All

As the title says, I am looking to form a Group with South African Players. We will play on one of the official servers hosted by the ISPs in SA.

Post here if you are interested.


Hey! Add me on steam you seem to have changed your steam id! 

I'm keen to meet join!



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HEy Guys im really new to dayz only bought it yesterday but love it and looking for some ppl to play with please send me an invite GEmindus i have added alot of you so far drop me an message in steam and let me know if i  can join i play on the SA server from pretoria!!

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Hey guys, I've been playing for a while and I've started to get bored of playing by myself and the casual banditry. IM looking for more okes to hang with and hit big towns. Add me on steam L1am_ma1l . My ingame name is daggerfall. Im keen.

ps:I've played with GEminidus before.

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