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DayZ Mod-Will work on ARMA 2 Arrowhead?

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So, i just bought ARMA 2 Arrowhead since i couldn't find a copy of the original ARMA 2. I've been hearing a lot about DayZ, with the realism and zombies. As an avid zombie fan, ('geek', if you want)i enjoy Survival-Horror games involving zombies and i love how you are supposed to remain Hydrated, Scavenge for supplies, and kill each other just for one can of beans :P Fallout with Zombies.

Unfortunately, i don't have the 'Original', and i don't know if Arrowhead is Compatible. So is it? Or do i have to find another copy..probably download it.

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You have to own both. The original ARMA II and ARMA II Operation Arrowhead.


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LOL? You NEED OA to play DayZ silly :) BUT you ALSO NEED ArmA 2. Couldn't find a copy? Ermmmm it's easy to buy online, or Steam. Takes about 2 minutes then all you have to do is download :)

Get ArmA 2 free if you don't own it but it has horrible textures. Otherwise buy Arma2 its well worth it just to play DayZ (and even moreso if you start to play ArmA2 also) for better textures. It's cheap man!

Edited by Irenicus

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"ArmA 2 OA" is required to play and you can get "ArmA 2 free" on stream, thats all you need to install and play the mod

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"ArmA 2 OA" is required to play and you can get "ArmA 2 free" on stream, thats all you need to install and play the mod

So, the mod will work even if i only have the demo version of ARMA 2?

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