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Are these hacked items? Should I be worried?

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The day Z server, number US - 1120 Hosted by CDM Gaming, was hit by a hacker attack around 2am PST where everyone on the server died. Shortly after respawn a friend and I found a car. Some good luck finally. While driving down the road, someone began to shoot at us so we ran him over, he was asking for it. On his body we found a Coyote backpack, a M4A3 CCO rifle with 8 magazines, night vision goggles, rangefinder goggles, and ALL the tools but the backpack was empty, he was not carrying any food, water, or other miscellaneous junk. We did not catch his name when he died, we only realized he could be a hacker after we looted his body. We did not think of identifying his body afterward. For right now we have logged off with the items, we just want to know if we should remove them. If they are legitimate, as unlikely as it sounds, we hope that it may be good luck and we could keep them after losing almost every from a hacker attack. If an investigation for all these attacks (this is the second time I have experienced one) is in progress, I don't want my friend or I to be negatively involved. Going to sleep now. After we got back to our base and as of typing this, it is now 3am.

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Legit items you can keep them :)

You can also use hacked weapons only theres a =chance it will turn into a Makarov after a while xD

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