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Looking for a squad/team to play with.

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As the titles says, im looking for some peeps to play with, as solo play, whilst fun, is a lonely thing.

I've been playing for about 6 weeks now so i have some experience in the game. Looking for a english speaking team with a good sense of humour when playing (Not a far too serious squad who cant have a laugh) of course when shit hits the fan i expect it to be organised and clinical.

Anyways, My Steam name is Fubuzu. Add me up if your interested.

See you in game.

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Gimme your Skype ill add u when i get home and we can talk :)

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I am a member of the flashlight pirates, we are a 16 men strong team. We all live in th EU and we are looking for a new member. If you are interested, you just have to add our steam group (the flashlight pirates) and then we'll contact you. Btw you have to live in the EU to join.

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anyone interested in a Survivor 20 dayz alive 1116 inf killed/555HS and 2 murders...

i am from EU/Croatia, can speak English and German as well, have skype, TS...

playing at the time with a US pal that lives in Germany, and some Croatian players, but my main goal is to join an international crew, just to practice my foreign languages, and meet players from around the world...

i am very active (playing minimum 4 hours during the working dayz and even more during weekends)..

pm me if u are interested..

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You could join our group, were from all over the EU. Just add our steam group (the flashlight pirates)

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