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BattleEye - Client not responding

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Can't join my home server AU 5, get BattleEye: Client not responding error, Try NZ server and it works fine..

What i've done:

1) update to latest beta patch

2) reinstall BattleEye - 108kb file in %appdata% and steam files

3) run from steam and 6launcher.

3) Run as admin

4) Restarted steam/pc/rotuer

Edited by solidtuber
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Have you tried doing it through Steam itself? Try launching Arma within Steam then choosing the option to re-install BattlEye.

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Have you tried doing it through Steam itself? Try launching Arma within Steam then choosing the option to re-install BattlEye.

Gives me !!!Missing String

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I have the same problem actually all my friends have that problems with some servers including our own. It seems noone has an answer to this problem.

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i have the same problem.. anyone come up with anything? tried all that was said above.. can not seem to connect.. and also when i try re installing in steam i get the missing string error message also.....

did you work out how to get around it? or anything?

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it looks like you've gone through the correct steps here.

Can you verify that the problem isn't being caused by a HDD error, or a viral infection? Make sure, because this can snowball and begin to affect other programs if that is the case.

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