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Bulletproof Sandwich

Suggestion to stop bad players, hoppers, etc

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Everybody hates people who alt f4/disconnect when a fight happens so to fix it lets try this method.

If any character leaves the server when combat starts their character should immediately die on the spot.

Combat - player takes damage or uses weapon the debuff starts (like how "shock" works when people disconnect/reconnect)

Debuff - 5 minute long debuff when combat starts ( i hope you can read this Badjr because it was here the ENTIRE time)

Debuff Echo 5m radius of shot fired (like how a grenade applies shock if you are too close)

the "whizzing" sound the bullet makes when missing a person could

the "snap/crack" sound when the bullet hits the ground near a target

Auto-kill mechanics start when someone does anything to leave the server

  • disconnecting internet
  • esc + abort
  • alt + f4
  • alt + tab + right click close
  • ctrl + alt + delete + enter enter

Either intentional or not the debuff should still kill the person regardless. If you have a poor connection on the server you are playing on then quit playing there etc. I'm sure people are tired of dealing with random 350+ ping people who take advantage of the lag just to alt f4 in peace.

I'm sure if this debug was put in place a lot of stupidity would be solved.

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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It would require an indicator. Cuz somtimes When in combat. I check everything and leave. Cuz my mum calls me to eat.

Or sometimes I get error Battleye : Client Not responding.

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How does it know when combat starts? What if you were never in combat but a gun went off somewhere near you? Then you call it a night and die. Really bad idea man really really bad.

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What if there's a hacker?

To many things wrong with this in my opinion. Nothing should be a kill result in leaving the game.


I know from first hand a hacker can freeze a player, leaving the keyboard useless, and the only way to counter this is to Alt + F4.

Edited by Ghostzone

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How does it know when combat starts? What if you were never in combat but a gun went off somewhere near you? Then you call it a night and die. Really bad idea man really really bad.

wonder what part of

YOUR character taking damage or YOUR character using a weapon did you not understand...

and if there's a hacker? so what?

it sounds like too many people are still greedily clinging on to items they found in duped tents etc

What if there's a hacker?

To many things wrong with this in my opinion. Nothing should be a kill result in leaving the game.


I know from first hand a hacker can freeze a player, leaving the keyboard useless, and the only way to counter this is to Alt + F4.

if you havent been hit or used a weapon i don't see why you wouldn't be able to use your "precious" alt+ f4

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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While I agree with your idea of a temporary debuff being applied to people who disconnect during combat, the auto-kill mechanics can't be applied in a fair manner. Every single player, even those with top of the line machines, would eventually suffer from a software/driver conflict that would cause their game to crash, which would be interpreted as a disconnect. To "kill" their characters and force them on a hazardous venture to recuperate their gear due to a computer glitch seems a bit harsh.

As for the debuff concept, it seems like it would function somewhat similar to declaring yourself hostile in PVP or to an opposing faction like in an MMO. Unlike an MMO however, it would probably only be a status seen on that particular person's screen and not an icon or flag floating above the person's head.

Good idea though, hopefully this or something like it comes out in the near future.

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Everybody hates people who alt f4/disconnect when a fight happens so to fix it lets try this method.

If any character leaves the server when combat starts their character should immediately die on the spot.

Combat - player takes damage or uses weapon debuff starts (like how "shock" works when people disconnect/reconnect)

Debuff - 5 minute long debuff when combat starts

Auto-kill mechanics start when someone does anything to leave the server

  • disconnecting internet
  • esc + abort
  • alt + f4
  • alt + tab + right click close
  • ctrl + alt + delete + enter enter

Either intentional or not the debuff should still kill the person regardless. If you have a poor connection on the server you are playing on then quit playing there etc. I'm sure people are tired of dealing with random 350+ ping people who take advantage of the lag just to alt f4 in peace.

I'm sure if this debug was put in place a lot of stupidity would be solved.

Good idea but a better idea would be to have a timeout value of 5 seconds so that the character is still active for 5 seconds before disconnecting. Thus taking shots and dying. When you disconnect you should be in a safe place. I have had people disconnecting on me. It is so unfair :(...

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While I agree with your idea of a temporary debuff being applied to people who disconnect during combat, the auto-kill mechanics can't be applied in a fair manner. Every single player, even those with top of the line machines, would eventually suffer from a software/driver conflict that would cause their game to crash, which would be interpreted as a disconnect. To "kill" their characters and force them on a hazardous venture to recuperate their gear due to a computer glitch seems a bit harsh.

As for the debuff concept, it seems like it would function somewhat similar to declaring yourself hostile in PVP or to an opposing faction like in an MMO. Unlike an MMO however, it would probably only be a status seen on that particular person's screen and not an icon or flag floating above the person's head.

Good idea though, hopefully this or something like it comes out in the near future.

i think it works fine

if a person isn't in combat and their computer fails then nothing happens there is no harm

if they are in the middle of combat and their computer fails they die immediately there is no harm

it works the same as passing out

if you passed out and were fighting zombies or were in an open/dangerous area

you would still die

so i see no fault in it

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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wonder what part of

YOUR character taking damage or YOUR character using a weapon did you not understand...

and if there's a hacker? so what?

Best yet you said shooting your own gun? What about animals? You shoot an animal to get the meat right? So I shoot a cow get the meat, and log off and boom I'm dead? Don't even bother countering saying the system will know if you killed a person or animal cause you can miss a person and they can escape.

it sounds like too many people are still greedily clinging on to items they found in duped tents etc

if you havent been hit or used a weapon i don't see why you wouldn't be able to use your "precious" alt+ f4

A bullet can miss you ya know? No one is a prefect shot.

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A bullet can miss you ya know? No one is a prefect shot.

your point? if you were not hit and you did not return fire putting yourself in combat then i dont see what the problem is

you neither took damage or attacked so you may leave in peace if you wish to run to your failsafe alt + f4 combo

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Bulletproof sandwich it personally sounds like your just a bit too angry over this topic. Wouldn't you alt f4 if you were teleported somewhere or sent to the thunderdome? Best yet what if the hacker shoots you but you disconnect fast enough not to die. Then you die anyways because you were shot by a hacker?

When you talked about shooting you weapon. Don't you shoot animals to get the meat? How does that register? Don't even bother saying it will tell the difference between killing an animal or a person, because you can shoot a miss a person every time, but manage to escape after that.

You really just need to calm down, the script to write this whole action would truly be a pain in the ass, best yet. task manager and the other things are system commands not game commands. Face it there's no way this can be prefect. As one guy said above you can crash and such. I get kicked a lot for ping, I mean A LOT. I live out in the middle of nowhere in crappy internet. I manage to play the game perfectly most the time though.

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Bulletproof sandwich it personally sounds like your just a bit too angry over this topic. Wouldn't you alt f4 if you were teleported somewhere or sent to the thunderdome? Best yet what if the hacker shoots you but you disconnect fast enough not to die. Then you die anyways because you were shot by a hacker?

When you talked about shooting you weapon. Don't you shoot animals to get the meat? How does that register? Don't even bother saying it will tell the difference between killing an animal or a person, because you can shoot a miss a person every time, but manage to escape after that.

You really just need to calm down, the script to write this whole action would truly be a pain in the ass, best yet. task manager and the other things are system commands not game commands. Face it there's no way this can be prefect. As one guy said above you can crash and such. I get kicked a lot for ping, I mean A LOT. I live out in the middle of nowhere in crappy internet. I manage to play the game perfectly most the time though.

maybe you should wait 5 minutes after you kill an animal?

most people wait after falling off a deer stand and recieving shock before they log out so why shouldnt they do the same here?

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maybe you should wait 5 minutes after you kill an animal?

most people wait after falling off a deer stand and recieving shock before they log out so why shouldnt they do the same here?

Why would I want to wait 5 minutes after I shoot an animal? Maybe I'm dog tired and I'm ready to pass out on the keyboard or better yet I accidently shoot a round or something. If you alt tab to minimize to game to do something else for a minute you can open the game and you start just shooting off rounds without even clicking. I still yet to see where you mention the way of adding this method into this mod. As I said before the script would be a big pain in the ass to do.

Edit: It also seems like no one knows any computer language here. Google Kobra it's a basic computer language to start with and it's still a pain to learn.

Another edit: What happens if my computer crashes or the game does? Still yet to answer that.

Edited by Ashnik

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I'm not being a troll about this, I greatly respect where your coming from I have shot so many people in Stary and watch them go poof before my eyes. It pisses me off, but I get over it. Atleast I know when they rejoin they got hit and it left a nice mark on them. This is a decent idea in retrospect, but It's really impossible to do. No one has a computer that never crashes or internet that never shuts off. Shit happens and you really shouldn't get penalized for your power going out or something.

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How do you suggest we detect when a player is or isn't in combat, as well as how the player knows whether they are marked as in or out of combat?

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Why would I want to wait 5 minutes after I shoot an animal? Maybe I'm dog tired and I'm ready to pass out on the keyboard or better yet I accidently shoot a round or something. If you alt tab to minimize to game to do something else for a minute you can open the game and you start just shooting off rounds without even clicking. I still yet to see where you mention the way of adding this method into this mod. As I said before the script would be a big pain in the ass to do.

Edit: It also seems like no one knows any computer language here. Google Kobra it's a basic computer language to start with and it's still a pain to learn.

Another edit: What happens if my computer crashes or the game does? Still yet to answer that.

have you tried reading this? it was literally 2-3 posts above your question

i think it works fine

if a person isn't in combat and their computer fails then nothing happens there is no harm

if they are in the middle of combat and their computer fails they die immediately there is no harm

it works the same as passing out

if you passed out and were fighting zombies or were in an open/dangerous area

you would still die

so i see no fault in it

How do you suggest we detect when a player is or isn't in combat, as well as how the player knows whether they are marked as in or out of combat?

isn't that why i suggested a DEBUFF be put in

if there is a DEBUFF there is an INDICATOR for said debuff

do you not recieve a debuff when you are suffering from shock? or do you think that is the broken arm symbol you see everytime...

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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I don't see where you mean if I havn't read it. I read everybit of it and you probably should read my other recent post, cause right now all your doing is raging at me over the internet, because I disagree with you.

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have you tried reading this? it was literally 2-3 posts above your question

isn't that why i suggested a DEBUFF be put in

if there is a DEBUFF there is an INDICATOR for said debuff

do you not recieve a debuff when you are suffering from shock? or do you think that is the broken arm symbol you see everytime...

This does not solve the issue of how to know when a player is in combat, perhaps the most important part of your suggestion.

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I don't see where you mean if I havn't read it. I read everybit of it and you probably should read my other recent post, cause right now all your doing is raging at me over the internet, because I disagree with you.

here let me enlarge it for you since you have failed to read it for the THIRD time already

i think it works fine

if a person isn't in combat and their computer fails then nothing happens there is no harm

if they are in the middle of combat and their computer fails they die immediately there is no harm

it works the same as passing out

if you passed out and were fighting zombies or were in an open/dangerous area

you would still die

so i see no fault in it

i hope you will be able to read it this time without any difficulties

understanding it might be another issue

This does not solve the issue of how to know when a player is in combat, perhaps the most important part of your suggestion.

if you have the debuff THAT is the indicator you are IN COMBAT

what do you not understand

here let me enlarge it too so you can understand better

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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While I do agree we need to stop alt f4ing exploiters I think death is slightly to harsh, it will happen that people DC for legit reasons even in a fire fight. What I do think though is that your char should stay in the game for like 20-40 seconds if you DC. First of all it is way easier to make that change than to code a propper definition of combat that isn't buggy. Also even if you are staying idle for 20-40 seconds it doesn't mean you will have to die, specially if you have team mates defending you (which is not gonna happen if you are using the DC as an exploit).

The cooldown to log back on is a good idea though.

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if you have the debuff THAT is the indicator you are IN COMBAT

what do you not understand

here let me enlarge it too so you can understand better

Since you seem to be retarded, let me speak in your language.


Or if you chose to gain literacy.

How is the server supposed to tell the difference between a player in combat and one out of combat?

God damn you're retarded

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Since you seem to be retarded, let me speak in your language.


Or if you chose to gain literacy.

How is the server supposed to tell the difference between a player in combat and one out of combat?

God damn you're retarded



if you have the debuff it means you are in combat

if you do not then you are not in combat

the server can easily tell the difference

oh player x is in combat and left the server he now does

oh player x is not in combat and left the server nothing happens

christ i do not know if you are trolling or serious

if you are then all i can do is shake my head

there i spoke in your language

i have literally explained the same thing to you 3-4 times already i just hope someone else who posts here points it out and laughs at you

Edited by Bulletproof Sandwich

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there i spoke in your language

You don't seem to understand.

To get the shock debuff you have to either take damage, break a limb, or have a bullet hit close to you.

How do you suggest the server tells your player to recieve the combat debuff?

in other words, what has to happen for the player to recieve the combat debuff?

did i dumb it down enough for you to comprehend?

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You don't seem to understand.

To get the shock debuff you have to either take damage, break a limb, or have a bullet hit close to you.

How do you suggest the server tells your player to recieve the combat debuff?

in other words, what has to happen for the player to recieve the combat debuff?

did i dumb it down enough for you to comprehend?

all im going to say now is read the original post

im sure there is a 1 in a million chance you will find the answer you seek there

if you do not then i will do you a favor and i will enlarge the part you need to re-read into 24 font

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all im going to say now is read the original post

im sure there is a 1 in a million chance you will find the answer you seek there

if you do not then i will do you a favor and i will enlarge the part you need to re-read into 24 font

I had already seen the "takes a bullet or shoots"

but that doesn't aid in stopping the majority of combat logs.

It doesn't prevent players that log on sight, it doesn't aid when shots miss, it doesn't help when chasing a player down, it doesn't help against players who log out when zombies aggro.

How do you plan on preventing these?

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