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I'm gonnna erase this as we are trying to work it out peacefully

Edited by Smithburg

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That is so stink man. i hate people like that.

One of my mates used to hack but he was never a dick, maybe an m4 for himself here and there, he would just go around and help a new survivor being chased by zombies and give him some food an ammo if he needed it.

I thought he was a good guy for doing that even though he hacked, this guy just sounds like a dick

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One of my mates used to hack but he was never a dick, maybe an m4 for himself here and there, he would just go around and help a new survivor being chased by zombies and give him some food an ammo if he needed it.

no respect for people cheating, for what purpose

doesn't even matter.

if you have to cheat a game, don't play it. simple.

l2p or gtfo.

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no respect for people cheating, for what purpose

doesn't even matter.

if you have to cheat a game, don't play it. simple.

l2p or gtfo.

Lol, would be a good time for that "this ainyt fayir!" monopoly kid meme.

But yeah, some admins can also be hackers, and be total dicks about it. Honestly, i would've gotten my loot and gtfo'ed, as hes an "adhacker" and not just a hacker.

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"No I am not an admin nor do I even know them nor am I a scripter/hacker".

Edited by RyBo

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We're trying to work this out, we talked a bit on reddit and theyre saying they thought we were the hackers and it was just a weird set of coincidences.

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