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Thoughts and Suggestions

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Hello chaps,

New to DayZ and I'm really enjoying it. Thanks to the devs for making this! Greatly appreciated.

Anyway, whilst I'm waiting to get into a server and play and I have my DayZ head on I thought I would share a few, well thoughts, on where I'd like to see DayZ go.

At the moment it's impossible to play on night servers without NVG's and this in turn causes issues with people getting on and playing. Now I don't know the back story to the player character but I'm guessing he is PMC? I don't think it would be to unrealistic to expect them to have NVG's from the get go?

This brings me onto matches. I've not found a single box in game and only manged to come across them from a random who had died in Cherno. Again I don't think it would be too unreasonable to expect a PMC guy to carry around a lighter or a box of matches from spawn?

Another thought I had was the temperature. At the moment it's a bit iffy and I appreciate that it's in development but I don't get that it goes down whilst you're running up a hill or across a field. I think this should be dynamic with the activity you are doing but offset with food and fluid consumption. e.g run to keep warm = increased thirst.

Another thing is transport. Why after the zombie Apocalypse is there suddenly no transportation available? I've got no problem with having to repair vehicles but the current system focus's the majority of players in and around cherno/Elektro fighting for loot. I think enabling players access to a push bike/moped very early on, one that doesn't require repairing, would go some way to opening up the map and not making it such a chore to get around. Using a push bike/moped would bring the bio factors into play but get you about the map twice as fast as on foot.

These are just a few thoughts I had and wanted to share them with you.

Again Great Mod, Thanks!

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1. There is already a huge discussion on the dark nights in the pinned section. It is unlikely to be changed. I personally prefer it, and don't agree with the "unplayable" mentality. If Rocket changes anything about what items we spawn with, it'll likely be by giving us even less than we already have.

More so it is VERY unlikely we would ever spawn with NVG's, which are already exceptionally rare. Most players have never even seen them, and many of the few who HAVE seen them, usually took them off another's body. Loot-generated NVG's are the holy grail.

2. Matches are available pretty frequently, I pass boxes all the time, possibly you are having bad luck? Again, if Rocket changes anything about what items we spawn with, it'll likely be by giving us even less than we already have.

3. Temperature has been pretty stabilized. Being indoors, by a fire, running, or in sunlight raises it. Wind, water, rain, darkness brings it back down. Since the released hotfix, I have had no issues with temperature, it seems quite natural and fluid.

4. Non-electric bikes have been suggested, and are possibility in the future.. possibly.

There is an entire forum dedicated to suggestions if you'd like to make your own.

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