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looking for teammates

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Looking for people to play with. I've been playing Dayz for about 2 weeks now. Been geared and died a couple of times. Looking for mature people 17+ with skype to team up with. I play a good bit so please play a lot also. Add me on steam: LJ_is_Beast. Must have a mic.

Edited by LJisBeast

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Ill join you. Im 17 (Turing 18 on the 18th) and im moderately skilled at the game. I JUST found a Mp5 (only one mag though). I dont have anything notable except the basics (hunting knife, map, watch, etc.) Im currently at the north-east airfield though. Ill add you on steam, be expecting a request from Reliquent (I also have a mic.)

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ok i just died i had a shitton though i had m16a2 with m203 and a pdwa coyote pack and all that but i died and some guy took it and put it on a bus for me but it blew up they died so yea i think im in kamrovo

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