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Small group looking for friends

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You will, have some of your own gear. TS3, a sarcastic demeanor, the ability to just fuck around, the ability to be serious. Be able to take a joke, shoot a gun, navigate a map. You will not be an annoying child.

You will not get the location of our camps until we feel you are trusted. If you fuck us over at any point, you will be castrated.

You will have no issue with your voice being streamed live over the internet.

If this sounds like you, PM me.

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Threats of castration and the knowledge that I will always have a gun aimed at my back, sounds like some super duper fun stuff.

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Being a bandit myself I saw this thread as "we will let you come run with us then you might turn a flashlight on and we will just have to destroy you if your gear is worth our time"

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In our server we have cars, multiple nvg's multiple m107's dmrs, m4cc0's and variants. Had a chopper, problem is there are only 3-4 of us, most of the time just 2. I have no want or need for someone's gear. I die with full load out...I run to camp and get more. Not a clan or community. Just people looking for more people to play with. In a 2v7 for a chopper at night, we realized that no matter how much gear we have, 2 people cannot do much against large numbers. We have done 2v4, 2v5's fine, but, our server is getting larger and larger groups.

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