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Ingame "I" button stats display.

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This has been bugging me for a bit and i cant seem to find out the definite answer for this on any of the info pages.

While ingame and you press the "I" key you get the ingame stats of zombie kills etc.

My question is what does the Vehicle one mean? Saw a guy a few days ago with a 1 in the Vehicle column. Does this mean he died while driving a vehicle or he killed someone in a vehicle or what. The exact stat was (-1) in the Vehicle column. Thx.

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Those stats are from the regular Arma2 game as well.

You see kills, deaths the vehicles are the number of vehicles you've destroyed that are enemy owned and the number of aircraft that are enemy owned.

In this mod, the vehicles may be considered "friendly" vehicles so when you destroy them, it actually counts as detroying a friendly vehicle.

In regular Arma2, if you are Blufor, and kill an Opfor vehicle, you get a +1. If you are Blufor and destroy a Blufor vehicle you get a -1 in that category.

Edited by Slyder73

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thank you!

so this guy destroyed someones vehicle then.

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