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Hacker on US 1331 7:00PM EST

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The first thing the hacker did was teleport everyone on the server into the air where we would fall to our deaths. After that I respawned and saw him near electro. He had a silenced m4 and a gillie suite on with a trail of multicolored smoke behind him. I followed him around and watched the hacker blow a hole into a building spray an unlimited clip from his m4. He then launched everyone into the air again which i somehow survived. Shortly after he put me and a few other people into the thunder dome. While there he placed bear traps everywhere and launched grenades all over the ground. Finally he just mass executed everyone.


Edited by Bubylou
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Thanks for the report and screenshots, Bubylou. This player has been permanently banned from US 1331 by GUID and IP address.

For anyone else wishing to ban this individual, here is the player info :

11:10:12 Player [»©Я«] The End connected (id=50906118).

11:10:12 BattlEye Server: Player #1 [»©Я«] The End ( connected

11:10:13 BattlEye Server: Player #1 [»©Я«] The End - GUID: 1ccfae1c7ca10042dc0702bd2a6f9e73 (unverified)

11:10:13 BattlEye Server: Verified GUID (1ccfae1c7ca10042dc0702bd2a6f9e73) of player #1 [»©Я«] The End

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