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The Chaotic Brotherhood is recruiting for DayZ

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The Chaotic Brotherhood

offers a gaming community like no other. If you're a gamer that plays once or twice a week for fun. If you seek friends before you seek victory then look no further. No matter the time of day you will find a group of like minded friends to play with. But, if you are a

serious, dedicated DayZ player looking to improve your skills, pwn noobs, and beat everyone you face, The Chaotic Brotherhood is your competitive resource.

We offer support for all skill ranges. And specific days in which all the guild members compete for glory. Compete in guild events and find the ultimate gaming experience. And here at The Chaotic Brotherhood we love to group everyone together as one and get the whole community involved.

The Chaotic Brotherhood is always recruiting players who want to be apart of a community for gaming. And we love to see people inviting there friends into the guild. TCB will bring out your true potential, whether it be for a highly competitive gaming atmosphere, or bringing out who you truly are in fun filled community events and multi-gaming groups.

Gaming Essentials

  • Teamspeak 3
  • Ventrilo
  • X-Fire
  • Youtube
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Steam Group

Website: http://www.chaoticbrotherhood.com/

Leader: Miztu

Officers: Looking for more officers!

And if you would like to check out our TS3 the info is posted below:


Password: shaco

Edited by Miztu

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Check out www.chaoticbrotherhood.com join us on TS and we can set you up with us!

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Just a tip we do tend to go for Mercenary servers (Expert) to ensure that we enjoy the DayZ experience fully, but we play on many different servers. If you would like to get into game with us please talk to us on TS and we can direct you to the servers we are playing on directly!

Edited by Miztu

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Good morning DayZ Players! Be sure to join us on TS for some DayZ gameplay!

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Nice image, is that sperm spewing out from the background or milk?

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Nice image, is that sperm spewing out from the background or milk?

Nice image, is that sperm spewing out from the background or milk?

Better, it's our milk after one night of game play.

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Interested in joining, applied on the website.

Interested in joining, applied on the website.

Thank you for applying, we play different games during the day but if you see us in the DayZ channel we'll be playing.

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Bump! Good morning DayZ players! We have just released our wonderful Buddy System! Check out our website at www.chaoticbrotherhood.com!

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Bump! Be sure to check our website for various updates and our guild meeting on Saturday!

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Bump! Good afternoon everybody!

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Bump! We now play everyday between at least 5PM-8PM!

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Bump! Be sure to check out our wonderful website for updates! www.chaoticbrotherhood.com

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Hey comrades! we have food and blood bags over here you know? Oh and we're good people, we don't kill innocent people, just like to help. What's that? Need food and shelter? Come right in we got all of these for you fellas! Just hop onto http://www.chaoticbrotherhood.com/home and survive another day!

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The Chaotic Brotherhood is still recruiting actively!

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