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Everyone in "US 167 in Texas" got killed by hacked

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So me and a few friends were going to play on this server and we are logging in one at a time, me and another sniper first, i got in and got killed straight away and everyone else died aswell.

Other guy alt+f4'ed and got away but everyone else died and i'm wondering if there is any way me and the rest of the guys that got killed could get our stuff back? So annoying as i had as50, nightvision googles, rangefinder and more

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yeah im at the Server us167 texas too. And i died. But all of the Server were dead. Please get the Hackers an Bann them. ;(



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Nope your gear will not be refunded. Dont get attached to your gear because you will never keep it long. Your lucky you got all that equiptment with out getting thunderdomed/masskilled/satchelcharged/hackedtodeathbyainvishacker.

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