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I havn't played DayZ in a while, it's lost it's charm since I'm at the stage where PvP is the only 'fun' thing to do, and that's really not me. This happened just before I stopped playing, but I still remember it rather clearly because it was rather amusing for me.


After logging in with a friend just to the west of the Zelenogorsk supermarket, it was approaching dusk, after a quick survey of the area, we decided to go and see if the supermarket had anything useful, since I was still missing some of the tools, a map and compass. He stayed up on the hill providing overwatch, while I went and quickly and quietly looted the supermarket, got a bit more that expected, got the map, compass, tent and an alice, after meeting up with him again, we decided the next bet would be to skip Vybor and head straight for the International Airfield (NWAF).

Skip forward about half an hour since nothing exciting happened aside from murdering a couple of defenceless goats, we hit the airfield, aaaand, server restart. Kinda ruined the immersion we had going on, but ooohwell.

We log back into the server, it's night now, but the moon is out, so pretty good visibility, and head back into the airfield since it pushed us a couple minutes out.

I see light by some of the hangers and tell my friend, we prone and start scanning for the light source, low and behold, it's a downed helicopter. We'd never seen a freshly spawned heli, and it was spectactular, burning into the night light a beacon of hope, as we are discussing who is going to go and get the precious lewts, we see movement on the outside of the light, and spot two other survivors. I'm not a PvPer by nature, so I just tell him to fire a couple warning shots, which he does, then we relocate, they retaliate by firing into where we were, so my friend gets rather scarily excited about killing these two.

In his excitement, he lost where they shot from, so couldn't pick their location.

And thus began the waiting game, neither of our groups could safely go loot the chopper for fear of death. We kept quietly moved around the chopper staying out of the light, to were we last saw them, only to discover, that they had done the same. About 10 minutes of doing this later, I thought screw it. Dropped all my gear infront of my friend, except my lee, which I had no ammo for anyway, and started proning out towards the chopper, he was rather confused and kept telling me to get back, well a bit more colourfully than get back, but it worked, they fired a couple shots, and allowed my friend to pinpoint them, which was just to the right of us, about 20 metres away, but I told him not to fire, hopefully they would think it was just me, they missed most of the shots, last couple got me in the legs and chest, knocking my unconscious, but oddly, not bleeding. So they both came (I at this point was thinking, seriously, both of you? Wow, didn't even bother to check I had friends) out to finish me off. I told my friend to let them, since we, like idiots didn't have any morphine and I wanted to respawn anyway.

He got two bandit kills, 2 M4A1 CCO, lots of morphine *sigh*, an Alice pack, and a bunch of food and liquids.

Chopper was useless only had ammo apparently.

20 minutes into my next respawn I was fully kitted up and heading back up to him, who got sniped heading past Zelenogorsk.

Ahh DayZ, never fails to make me laugh.

And thus ends my rather terrible story of my sacrifice and a dud chopper.

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Sniping is a major problem.

Its not for the loot, its for the fun of it. No matter how you put it.

If they at least looted you it wouldn't be as harsh as if all your gear went to waste.

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Heh yeah, I'm pretty sure they did loot him, or just hid his corpse at least, when I went by again, I around where he said he died and couldn't find his body, heard the flies though.

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