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Randomly getting amazing gear?

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so i was sitting around in dayz when all of a sudden i have an AS50... M4 CCO SD, packpack full of amazing gear ammo and a NV + Range finder, as well as my 2 friends sitting right next to me... what just happened? we switched server in fear that a hacker just did it and would instant kill the server so we switch server, went to another and theres a dead body near us with all the same gear?

Did every Dayz Player just get this or not?

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Another update, were sitting on this new server for less than 5 minutes and a random guy runs up with all the same gear as us and starts shooting, i shot him twice in the back with the AS50, he died normaly... im so confused, what the hell is going on

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I had a similar thing happen to me yesterday.

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hackers mate....

No doubt :P

But why would it happen on 2 completely different servers one after another? that's what didn't make sense to me... was making this wondering did everyone everywhere get this gear all of a sudden.

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I had a hacker come up to me once and ask if I wanted a car. I said no thanks but ill take some loot. Next thing I know I have all top tier items in the game.

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Happened to me yesterday too. Suddenly had all sorts of decent gear.

Reported it as a bug but reading up a bit more it looks as though it could be a hacker.

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Yes, that's a hacker script, and it can be applied to an entire server.

Now everyone on that server has identical gear. You get to keep your gear, for better or worse.

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Yes this is the work of a hacker. If in future any gear is given to you that you know is not in the game, please destroy it for the good of the community :)

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