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I lost everything..... Im done

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So i was just going along when i found this body with an as50 5 clips, ghillie suit, silenced m4 in backpack cooked meat, and a glock with 4 mags and some bandages and an epi pen and morphine, right as i get it all i have to go and log off i come back 30 minutes later and nothing, just the stuff ythat you spawn with.... if this could be fixed thatd be great (also nvgs, rangefinder, full set of the supplies like map hatchet ect.....

Edited by kokonuts09

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aaawwwww, do you want a snuggie? dat weally sucks when you die and wose evwything huh? this is DAY Z! not my little pony adventures! this is a very unforgiving game, and if your done, i reccomend deleting your ARMA 2 forever. dont get attached to your gear, you wont have it forever. you die 100,000+ ways! it isnt your gear, your just borowing it from chernarus, and sooner or later, its going to come over and take it back. im done listening to little 12 year olds crying over the forums

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What I have found is the server or your client, whichever is slow to record what you have in your bag or tents. I always wait a minute or two before logging off if I just ate, picked up, or saved something in a tent. From how you describe it, I would say you logged off to fast.

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no no no you didnt read it... i said dayz fucked me over agian and i lost my stuff... i wasnt killed

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no no no you didnt read it... i said dayz fucked me over agian and i lost my stuff... i wasnt killed

oh, sorry then, so many kids complain about dying, so, i misread alot. im just used to those kinds of threads. my apologies

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oh, sorry then, so many kids complain about dying, so, i misread alot. im just used to those kinds of threads. my apologies

yea i know its fine

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My group lost 4 vehicles enough food to live forever 4 tents worth of weapons and ammo because a server ate it.

Yeah It's a little aggravating but seriously shit happens.

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I've learned to wait at least 5 minutes after picking something new up or shifting anything into/out of my backpack to logout. If you don't wait you're flipping a coin on whether or not it gets recorded properly.

A lot of people are using this behavior to dupe items, BTW.

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stop logging off during de-sync and stop server hopping.

for your inventory to be saved properly you should stick around for a bit after acquisition.

this is alpha.

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