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UK124 went to the Hackers, Again.

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I don't have any proof (Screen Shots etc...), anyone on the server could vouch for me, I was playing with a friend and suddenly everyone got teleported to some kind of Hunger Games arena, No jokes. Lost all weapons and a message came up saying 'Guns in weapon crate', I saw people running and I hid in a tower. Then there were shots, I immediately Alt Tabbed and closed the game. I'm guessing I've lost all my stuff but how could something be hacked into the game which was that big?! It was crazy! There were tents, H Barriers, Towers and all sorts, Another message came up saying that a Helicopter would be avaible in 5 minutes... Anyone else reading this from UK124, Second time it's been Hacked when I'm playing, lost all my stuff, Geared up to the max too :(

*Edit* Sorry, The time was around 20:55 GMT!

Edited by Benjeh

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I was on UK124 around that time last night with several clan mates and this did not happen to us, maybe we had just missed it or something.

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It actually sounds fun to do once in a while, sounds like the hacker was trying to entertain you.

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It actually sounds fun to do once in a while, sounds like the hacker was trying to entertain you.

It probably would be fun to do once in a while, but the problem is the guys that are actually good at reverse engineering code are making their bypass scripts public so that anyone with barely the ability to copy and paste can cause havoc.

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I am one of the Admins for UK124 and it would be nice to get the names of these guys. They have totally destroyed the vehicles on our server and were still trying to get it sorted out with Vilayer, we may have to have it either re-installed or restart the mission. Vehicles aren't spawning and they aren't saving at all anymore. bah..

REC5| Fyrex

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