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"Older" Players

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Hey all,

New to DayZ here but with experience in gaming and currently looking for people similar to my age (29) to group up with. I live in GMT+1, native english speaker with a bit of German. I play often during the weekends and, until the 15th, anytime after 7pm during the weekdays (after the 15th I will have much more time during the weekdays).

I got a mic and all that obviously. My steam name is this name and I just died again so I have no loot so dont bother to try it :P


Edited by Handcannon

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I'm on a lot through the day, so if you catch me on and want to play, just shoot me an invite. I probably wont be on much after the 16th though, classes start then. Steam is either mr_phreebird or My Bologna (IDK which appears when searching)

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