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Disappearing Vehicles

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Friends and I launched a server wednesday night. We gathered a few cars and stashed them at our secret location. Logged off for the night. The next morning before I left for work i logged in to see if the vehicles where still their. The v3s was missing. So I ran for a few minutes to check the URal, it was also gone. So I ran to the atv's//motorbike, all gone. I went to work. When I got home I ran to the Ural spawn and it was sitting right at the spawn. after spending 2-3 hours collecting parts I assembled it and went back to all the spawns and every vehicle we saved were back at the spawn.

We went through the process of fixing up an ATV/Ural/UAZ/Motorbike/2bikes. Stashed them all up north. Logged in this morning and of course all 6 vehicles which were all stashed away from each other were gone once again..

This is becoming rather frustrating. Defeats the purpose of paying for a server and playing this game. Is there a way to fix this? My friend says we can reset our hive and that should fix the issue with vehicles saving, but apparently it is against the Dayz rules to do so. Not sure why we they have put rules in place to prevent server owners from fixing known bugs.

Sounds like some butt hurt Dev lost his vehicle after an admin reset on him and decided to implement a one sided rule.

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