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Mouse Wheel Scroll Menu disappeared

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i need some help. This happened literally seconds before the server got restarted without any warnings. I unequipped my Ghillie Suit and since then my mouse wheel scroll menu won't work anymore. I'm talking about checking distance/range and name tags of my friends on regular or recruit servers.

I think it's not a bug because I've got the same problem if i try it in the Arma 2 OA editor. It works if i press the backspace or numbers keys but nothing happens if i only move my mouse wheel.

I tried to resolve the issue for several hours (respawning character, controls back to default, tried to rebind mouse wheel, deleted profiles, changed servers etc) but i'm out of ideas. I should also add that i never had any problems with Ghillie Suits/Camo Clothing before and i successfully un- and reequipped both about 10 times in the last days without any problems.

Thanks for help and suggestions.

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Sounds a bit like a friend of mine's issue. I believe its called your "tactical menu" and its been bugged since the last update. He could not for the life of him, get the command in order to give me a blood transfussion. He had the blood pack, I already took my painkillers, everything, but the only thing that fixed the issue was to log out (Which will probably count as a D/C or some shit...) and exit completely out of the game, load up the game again, log into the server, and he was then able to give me a blood transfussion.

Edited by Devo

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thanks for your reply. I can give supplies to other players without any problems (gave an freshly spawned player painkillers at the coast today). I can also climb ladders or pick up loot if i stand right in front of it. Just nothing happens if i move my mouse wheel to scan the horizon.

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