Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 Greetings all,First off all i am not english and i am not the english dictionairy so aslong as you can understand what i am trying say, send your grammer lessons to my if you realy want to help and not just troll or beeing a smartass because i wasnt clear, please feel free to retype this all and send it to this forums inbox of my and i will edit your correct version with a reffer to you as thanks and remove/edit this original we all know hackers are a hugh problem these days and our server gets hacked about 5 times every day. (sometimes upto 20 times a day)To get this hacks fixed the dev's need time, but in the main time there is no point of playing the game, because you will lose it all anyway in a unfair way, so it kills the game.Losing items because of someone camping cherno the whole day is part of the game and i like the fear feeling of the possibility of geting shot. (i am not loot crazy.)But the fear of beeing teleported to dead isnt the same..... thats just lame and breaks everything realistic about the game. isnt that what makes the game so awsome.Thats why the admins should be able to ban those hackers that are clearly hacking.But there are downsides to this for example admins feeling godlike and start to act that way.So the only way i can think of to have everyone happy is to make admins be able to ban but it reports the ban automaticly with the log from that person to HIVE.Dev's will look into that ban and chooce if that person stays banned or was banned for no reason and gets addition the server admin will get warned for it. 3 warings means a ban for the admin.This way its just like the real life judge system.Admins are the Cops and the Dev's are the Judges.if a cop punnish you for no reason that cop will get a slap on the wrist or even lose his job.if the cop was correct he simply did his job correctly and the bad guy will stay in prison.Because the admins cant abuse there powers they cant make there own rules, and because a dev checks it its 100% the downside could be that your banned for some days and get unbanned if you didnt hack.but its way better then playing with hackers and besides that the admin will get 1 out of 3 warnings so because of your temp ban he would think twice befor he bans the next guy.there should also be a limited amout off bans untill a dev have checked your current bans to avoid mass banwave's by a trolling admins. (who will get banned himself)This way hackers wont hack in the numbers they do now because they feel untouched atm, on the other hand there are also people hacking the hackers now and that will increase realy fast if we dont act NOW!we need a official response as a Warning to all hackers. if you hack after that date the admin can ban you.Trust me you wont see any hackers at all anymore in 2 week time.Simply because they have something to lose..... and that treath is 24/7 because the some admins will let other clan members calling them awake just to ban a script kiddy.atleast i will for sure.i would challenge any hacker to hack in my server. just come and get your ban.. wouldnt it be awsome to be able to say those things on the hacking forums...Like ''Guys come US1 always sleeping admin you can freely hack there. your welcome''and then wenn they do come and start hacking you will hear my evil voice on the server = YOU JUST GOT OWNED MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. and click bansadly its still just a wish i could say that and troll them back..For the admins without basic scripting knowledge ect i could make a topic on how to spot hackers but i would preffer a dev to do this because there is no reason why people should trust me and the topic will be full of replys ''no this isnt correct because'' or whatever excuse the hackers will come up with.Thanks for reading this wall off text i hope you understood it all and didnt get lost in the middle if not feel free to ask me anything related to this subject.I got many experiance as admin and i am a decent scripter/programmer. ( i learned everything myself so i am not a prof)Greets Mike 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malphos101 71 Posted August 5, 2012 admins can ban hackers..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BrettHarrenton 29 Posted August 5, 2012 admins can ban hackers.....He means global I think Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) Yep i mean global because they will just go to the next server and fk that one up aswell.and as far as i know even a normal ban isnt allowed.. only a kick Edited August 5, 2012 by Despuiter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ptk (DayZ) 178 Posted August 5, 2012 your english is way better than you give yourself credit for. try looking back a few pages in this forum, as there was a big thread with this debate going on. could be informative. I would link it but my phone sucks hehe... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malphos101 71 Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) That's definitely a power I don't want admins having. The only thing you need to become an admin is some cash, and I dont want my game ot be bricked when a kid with some cash decides he is going to global me because I stole his car. Edited August 5, 2012 by malphos101 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 your english is way better than you give yourself credit for. try looking back a few pages in this forum, as there was a big thread with this debate going on. could be informative. I would link it but my phone sucks hehe...Well thanks mate i am dutch so my english cant be realy poor but there are allot of people complaining about it so its more a disclaimer.i looked for one but couldnt find it so i started this one with my vision on how it should be cant harm to have to many of these topics anyway. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) That's definitely a power I don't want admins having. The only thing you need to become an admin is some cash, and I dont want my game ot be bricked when a kid with some cash decides he is going to global me because I stole his it again mate that admin will get banned himself for a false ban like i discribed.Besides that admins always had the right to ban people in other games. (besides CoD mw 2 and 3 i belive but you arnt realy admin there.) Edited August 5, 2012 by Despuiter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malphos101 71 Posted August 5, 2012 Yea, but the devs have much more important things to do right now than sit and review every single ban an admin across the thousands of servers hands out. Its a good thought for beta, but right now we need to focus on adding features. The hackers are a fringe minority and while annoying, they aren't affecting as many servers as the forums lead you to believe. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) Yea, but the devs have much more important things to do right now than sit and review every single ban an admin across the thousands of servers hands out. Its a good thought for beta, but right now we need to focus on adding features. The hackers are a fringe minority and while annoying, they aren't affecting as many servers as the forums lead you to believe.dude what game are you playing xD and your basicly acepting hackers on our server because you found a server they havnt hit yet xDand whats more important then not letting the game die besides that the devs need to look throug the whole db to find hackers instat off a new file were admins (mostly grown up and smart persons) do the worst part for them.I was admin and i had GMs a gm could ban and i checked in the database if it was a correct ban if not that gm wouldnt stay gm for long...You have absolutly no idea how its like to try and fight it solo.i am sure that i wouldnt be able to have succes with my MMORPG if it wasnt for those guys helping me out.i had 10 gm's for about 200 active dayly people. this games has 500k or something...Belive me they need us.if you dont just try to type plain text and get about 10gb's (or even 10tb's i realy have no clue of the scale of the server besides that its hugh)and then try and find hacks in it... i will see your result in about 50 years.what they will do with all those reports is they make a program that is linked to that ban file so for example=they click Next the program translate the script to a easy to see a hacker and then they just click next iff its correct or unban.You can do many ban report a hour this way and would actualy make there life easy.I think this how they try to ban people now.They look on the forum they see a report they open the DB and search for what that hacker....this is very time consuming sinds its always easyer if someone els already tells you were to look.. Edited August 5, 2012 by Despuiter 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerven 80 Posted August 5, 2012 admins can ban hackers.....Actually according to the letter of the law, we can't. We're supposed to present evidence in the form of a ticket, and allow the developers or battleye to do it, which can take days, if not longer. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ApriL 28 Posted August 5, 2012 Greetings all,First off all i am not english and i am not the english dictionairy so aslong as you can understand what i am trying say, send your grammer lessons to my if you realy want to help and not just troll or beeing a smartass because i wasnt clear, please feel free to retype this all and send it to this forums inbox of my and i will edit your correct version with a reffer to you as thanks and remove/edit this original we all know hackers are a hugh problem these days and our server gets hacked about 5 times every day. (sometimes upto 20 times a day)To get this hacks fixed the dev's need time, but in the main time there is no point of playing the game, because you will lose it all anyway in a unfair way, so it kills the game.Losing items because of someone camping cherno the whole day is part of the game and i like the fear feeling of the possibility of geting shot. (i am not loot crazy.)But the fear of beeing teleported to dead isnt the same..... thats just lame and breaks everything realistic about the game. isnt that what makes the game so awsome.Thats why the admins should be able to ban those hackers that are clearly hacking.But there are downsides to this for example admins feeling godlike and start to act that way.So the only way i can think of to have everyone happy is to make admins be able to ban but it reports the ban automaticly with the log from that person to HIVE.Dev's will look into that ban and chooce if that person stays banned or was banned for no reason and gets addition the server admin will get warned for it. 3 warings means a ban for the admin.This way its just like the real life judge system.Admins are the Cops and the Dev's are the Judges.if a cop punnish you for no reason that cop will get a slap on the wrist or even lose his job.if the cop was correct he simply did his job correctly and the bad guy will stay in prison.Because the admins cant abuse there powers they cant make there own rules, and because a dev checks it its 100% the downside could be that your banned for some days and get unbanned if you didnt hack.but its way better then playing with hackers and besides that the admin will get 1 out of 3 warnings so because of your temp ban he would think twice befor he bans the next guy.there should also be a limited amout off bans untill a dev have checked your current bans to avoid mass banwave's by a trolling admins. (who will get banned himself)This way hackers wont hack in the numbers they do now because they feel untouched atm, on the other hand there are also people hacking the hackers now and that will increase realy fast if we dont act NOW!we need a official response as a Warning to all hackers. if you hack after that date the admin can ban you.Trust me you wont see any hackers at all anymore in 2 week time.Simply because they have something to lose..... and that treath is 24/7 because the some admins will let other clan members calling them awake just to ban a script kiddy.atleast i will for sure.i would challenge any hacker to hack in my server. just come and get your ban.. wouldnt it be awsome to be able to say those things on the hacking forums...Like ''Guys come US1 always sleeping admin you can freely hack there. your welcome''and then wenn they do come and start hacking you will hear my evil voice on the server = YOU JUST GOT OWNED MUHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. and click bansadly its still just a wish i could say that and troll them back..For the admins without basic scripting knowledge ect i could make a topic on how to spot hackers but i would preffer a dev to do this because there is no reason why people should trust me and the topic will be full of replys ''no this isnt correct because'' or whatever excuse the hackers will come up with.Thanks for reading this wall off text i hope you understood it all and didnt get lost in the middle if not feel free to ask me anything related to this subject.I got many experiance as admin and i am a decent scripter/programmer. ( i learned everything myself so i am not a prof)Greets MikeAgreed. I feel the current system is not helping to get more admins and servers online. I think that they should loosen their grip on servers and give more power to the people who run the servers. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) There is a edit bug here.seems like you cant edit a comment and then edit a quote to it later or it will post the old one first and then open a new one with only that quote. Edited August 5, 2012 by Despuiter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 Actually according to the letter of the law, we can't.We're supposed to present evidence in the form of a ticket, and allow the developers or battleye to do it, which can take days, if not longer.yep and all the admins wanna do is speed up that progress sinds it kills our servers and it kills our will to keep playing.Thats what those hackers want so we want revange on them for fking up our server and fun everytime.... 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BattleBear Custom 18 Posted August 5, 2012 Nope not going to happen... Abusive admins will start global banning people who steal their shit and or chopper... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iLikeNoobies 31 Posted August 5, 2012 Actually according to the letter of the law, we can't.We're supposed to present evidence in the form of a ticket, and allow the developers or battleye to do it, which can take days, if not longer.And there's your problem. Admins of servers can go into the logs and provide evidence. How can a normal player do that? I got some fraps footage of some guys obviously hacking but besides the footage, nobody knows who they are. I cant see who shot me and i cant see the names of the hackers. I can only take a printscreen of all the players but that still doesnt point out the hacker. So the only way hackers can get caught is when a server admin actually wants to put some time in it.First i didnt really bothered about the hackers because i would just leave the server if there was a hacker. But since yesterday I'm being followed by hackers and they kill me on every server i join. Imo that cant be coincidence. Once or twice, ok. But 6/7 times.. no way. And first i get killed by the hacker in Kamenka, and when i respawn a few seconds later near solichny, he also kills me there. Every time, every server. The only thing i can do is not play if i dont want to get killed.And because the hackers can do anything they want without having to suffer some consequenses, Im thinking about getting some scripts as well. Its the only thing a normal player can do to defend himself against hackers.Just a simple solution: let the game show who killed you. And dont give people the opportunity to change names on the same character. Just like you cant change between male and female. That way i can atleast see who killed me over and over again and if they cant change their name untill they have died as well, it would be easier to spot those fucking cowards. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
malphos101 71 Posted August 5, 2012 Actually according to the letter of the law, we can't.We're supposed to present evidence in the form of a ticket, and allow the developers or battleye to do it, which can take days, if not longer.If a dev blacklists your server because you banned a hacker and you have the logs to back it up, I will personally pay for a new server for you. It doesn't happen like that. The problem is admins are too lazy to go through the logs and figure out who is hacking and ban their guid. If every server did this there wouldn't be a need for a global ban. If you buy a server and then spend all your time playing and never administrate then you only have yourself to blame if hackers take over. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Cerven 80 Posted August 5, 2012 If a dev blacklists your server because you banned a hacker and you have the logs to back it up, I will personally pay for a new server for you. It doesn't happen like that. The problem is admins are too lazy to go through the logs and figure out who is hacking and ban their guid. If every server did this there wouldn't be a need for a global ban. If you buy a server and then spend all your time playing and never administrate then you only have yourself to blame if hackers take over.What server are you hosting? I'd like to join it. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 5, 2012 If a dev blacklists your server because you banned a hacker and you have the logs to back it up, I will personally pay for a new server for you. It doesn't happen like that. The problem is admins are too lazy to go through the logs and figure out who is hacking and ban their guid. If every server did this there wouldn't be a need for a global ban. If you buy a server and then spend all your time playing and never administrate then you only have yourself to blame if hackers take over.I'd like to mention that it's not just the responsibility of the Admin to battle hackers. Players MUST do their due diligence to report hackers to the Admins so we can assist in getting them banned via the log files, GUID, etc. I can be online for hours and not see a thing. The minute I log off, and a hacker attacks - how am I supposed to admin this without having the community support I need from the players on my server?It's all good to point fingers at the admins, but frankly, I'm starting to get sick of it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Despuiter 11 Posted August 5, 2012 (edited) People first of all read my post first befor stating things like no this cant work because admins will ban people for no reason..If you have readed my post you would have read my counter messurment....Besides this WE CANT BAN PEOPLE!!! i dont know were you guys get that idea. its not allowed even iff its a hacker.we can only kick and kick and kick untill they are so bored they dont try it again....And yes admins do look into the logs but do you guys know how it looks? if you dont then dont reply.... and tremu1tant is right i mostly find hackers in the DB because off people reporting it to me with a time so i can actualy find it in the hugh wall off text.its not like we look at the log and we see = HACKER LOGGED IN NAMED XXXXX or HACK SCRIPT ACTIVE whatever.. we realy need to search for it and if you dont want to read code's for hours and hours you basicly need those reports.Its us as comunitie vs hackers. not just admins or dev's.Like i stated befor its like real life situation.Someone will call the police (the admin)the police will come and investigatethe police will put you in jail wenn they find evidence.the judge (the dev's) will decide howlong your punishment will be and if the evidence the cop gave was acurate.Iff the judge decided the police was wrong then he will get warned/noted he should get his act striaght or can look for another job....I realy cant explain it any more retard friendly to be honnest....Ps. ilikenoobies remember the time and give that to the admin (it has to be his time/server time) and he will help you get evidence against them. (atleast a decent admin.) Edited August 5, 2012 by Despuiter Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iLikeNoobies 31 Posted August 6, 2012 Its their server. A admin isnt going to gather evidence against himself. Just see the arrogance of the admin here. And just like i said before, they just keep following me around different servers and keep killing me there. Anyways, thanks for the advice, I'm gonna see if i can get in touch with the admin of NL45 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tophercook (DayZ) 22 Posted August 6, 2012 My humble advice, play on private hive servers for now. way too many problems with the official hive (ie GHOSTING!!!). Check out the threads on The Asylum servers, or the Sanctuary servers!!! or just filter Asylum in your multiplayer filter in game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vulc 13 Posted August 6, 2012 The 15y/o kids who hack are also some of the 15y/o kid Admins running off their mom and dads credit card kicking and banning at a whim because their camp was raided, and given any more power, they would ruin this game. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tophercook (DayZ) 22 Posted August 6, 2012 I personally love getting on the little pussies private hives and killing the whole crew who is running it (usually ending in them hacking my character and killling him, but who cares!!! LOL). Always the most fun to play fair and WIN!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites