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Make more than one profile (Hear me out)

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So all the other topics about this have kind of been bashed. People thought it was a bad idea. Some said that if you kill someone they'll log on as a second character and kill you. (Personally, I don't think this would happen.)

So I thought of this idea. It's a good one.

There can be 3 main "Channels"

Channel A: (10 servers)

Channel B: (10 servers)

Channel C: (10 servers)

Now, you can keep one character in each channel. Each channel has it's own amount of servers. This prevents people from revenge killing. Your characters WON'T be able to channel hop. If you created the character in channel A, then you can't bring it over to channel B. You'll have to play on the servers that Channel A has.

I think this is a really good idea to have more than one profile/character. Let me know what you think. Because I think this could work.

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i would like more than one profile for the simple fact that other people in my house want to use my PC to play DayZ. but i wont let them because they are not going to fu** up my loots. nuff said

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So are you proposing segmenting the hive into three parts, and giving people a character on each?

To what purpose?

I'd prefer just having each server have its own hive. Since tents and vehicles work this way, it would kill tons of problems, including server hopping.

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Actually, I have a temporary solution for that. This should help that out. :D

Google "DayZ Commander"

Download this and open it. In it, search "Private". It will find you servers that have their own Private Hive, and are not connected to the main Hive. Try a few out. Some are actually really fast. Pick one out and you can start another character. So each family member gets a server. Favorite the servers also, so you know how to find them again.

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So are you proposing segmenting the hive into three parts, and giving people a character on each?

To what purpose?

I'd prefer just having each server have its own hive. Since tents and vehicles work this way, it would kill tons of problems, including server hopping.

Not a bad idea. But sometimes I like to check out different servers. Find different people. Not a bad idea though. I'm still sticking with my Channels idea.

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How could I put this in a more polite form. Oh sure, it is not efficient.

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um your proposing an idea that goes against a main feature of this mod, a persistent character, honestly if DayZ was like this I wouldn't play it. No, :emptycan: .

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um your proposing an idea that goes against a main feature of this mod, a persistent character, honestly if DayZ was like this I wouldn't play it. No, :emptycan: .

I hate when people make an argument like this.

Okay, look at it this way:

Some people do want to have more than one. Some want to stick with one. Just because we allow people to have more than one doesn't mean you'll be forced to. If you want to stick with one character, that's fine. The way I see it, everybody wins.

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The persistent character idea is dead.

It leads to too many problems like ghosting, server hopping, private farming and so forth.

Before you know it, this mod or game will find it necessary to go to a model of one character per server. It's inevitable.

Edit: ps... I DO have more than one character. It's quite useful.

Edited by Disgraced

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It is not my intention to derail OP's thread here, but my mind churned out this alternative that OP perhaps might like, which incidentally is something I already thought about prior to this:

Generally speaking, respawning a character is usually very unrealistic, but perhaps one could create a range of characters that are linked to a players account (imagine relatives of a character). The purpose of this is to fit supplementary characters with items, in the event of the first one dying. It would not be possible to select which one to play. Stuff placed in the pool with each characters will be stuck there on that one character until such a character is used when the current character dies. It is sort of an inheritance system, except it would be bad if stuff on a current character was transferred to other characters on death, preventing any looting. Also, a family surname could ensure a players characters to gain fame regardless of their first name.

I think OP might want to clarify his motivations with regard to this idea of his, to perchance clarify why he likes the general idea of having more characters to play with.

Edited by Treehugger

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So are you proposing segmenting the hive into three parts, and giving people a character on each?

To what purpose?

I'd prefer just having each server have its own hive. Since tents and vehicles work this way, it would kill tons of problems, including server hopping.

I agree that if DayZ moved to structure of one character per server it would be for the better. It would completely eliminate server hopping, as if you went on a different server it would be a different character. The only problem with this is that if something goes wrong with the server you have a main character on, that main character is pretty much obsolete. Say if the server changed it's timezone so that at the time you normally play it was pitch black and you hadn't gotten nvg's on this character yet. To counter this I think there should be a better way to communicate with the server admins. Perhaps an in game chat channel that is something like PMing but can only be done to an admin. A lot of server's don't support easy ways to communicate with the admins (having the MOTD include an email or TS channel) so it can make it hard for you to be a part of the server. I think that if Rocket follows through with increasing the player cap to 200+, a one character per server thing would be great, it would get you more connected with the server and its community.

In general I would love to see DayZ move to a more classic MMO style like WoW, were you get involved with one server and one server only, you can join a "guild" of people on that server, do NWA raids with that "guild" and become a bigger part of the community. This would make the game much more interesting, and you the player would actually feel like your CHARACTER and not your GEAR mattered. Of course perma-death would stay the same, you would lose all your gear and stats like normal,

This is just my opinion.

Edited by Slinky

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So all the other topics about this have kind of been bashed. People thought it was a bad idea. Some said that if you kill someone they'll log on as a second character and kill you. (Personally, I don't think this would happen.)

So I thought of this idea. It's a good one.

There can be 3 main "Channels"

Channel A: (10 servers)

Channel B: (10 servers)

Channel C: (10 servers)

Now, you can keep one character in each channel. Each channel has it's own amount of servers. This prevents people from revenge killing. Your characters WON'T be able to channel hop. If you created the character in channel A, then you can't bring it over to channel B. You'll have to play on the servers that Channel A has.

I think this is a really good idea to have more than one profile/character. Let me know what you think. Because I think this could work.

This would require a fairly large upgrade to the HIVE.

So are you proposing segmenting the hive into three parts, and giving people a character on each?

To what purpose?

I'd prefer just having each server have its own hive. Since tents and vehicles work this way, it would kill tons of problems, including server hopping.

This would have quite a few problems with it.

One of Dayz selling points is that you don't have to track down a server you've been playing on to play on your character.

If a server changes names, closes down, or is offline for hours you can just hop on another server and play on your character.

There's also the added stress to the servers caused by the extra information they have to store.

Finally, this would give other players(those who have access to the server data) the ability to change player data.

Server admins could give themselves weapons by changing their character data, completely bypassing the need for hacking.

Server admins cheat? Well, nothing can be done about that their server stores their own information making blacklisting irrelevant.

Leaving the only solution "don't play on that server anymore", but your most geared character is on that server and this change prevents you from playing him on any other servers...

I would love to get rid of server hopping, especially since it would make it possible to actually fortify buildings and create primitive city structures.

So it isn't that your idea is bad, it just isn't very thought out

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I think a far simpler solution would be locking a character to a server. For example, if I have my two characters, Bob and John.

I play on US100 on Bob. I die. I can go restart Bob on ANY server in the game, including US100. However if I swap to John, I cannot join US100 for one hour. It has been locked to Bob. I can only play on that server on Bob until the 1 hour cooldown wears off.

I can still play. I can still play both characters, but I cannot 'revenge kill' or use one char to carelessly scout ahead to save my legit play.

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I think a far simpler solution would be locking a character to a server. For example, if I have my two characters, Bob and John.

I play on US100 on Bob. I die. I can go restart Bob on ANY server in the game, including US100. However if I swap to John, I cannot join US100 for one hour. It has been locked to Bob. I can only play on that server on Bob until the 1 hour cooldown wears off.

I can still play. I can still play both characters, but I cannot 'revenge kill' or use one char to carelessly scout ahead to save my legit play.

Doesn't eliminate the fact that you could use your bad character as a form of unaccessable loot storage.

Deposit: Park him out in the middle of nowhere, put up a tent, switch characters(time cooldown or w/e), put loot to store in tent, switch characters(time cooldown or w/e again), retrieve gear.

Do the opposite to withdraw gear.

The tent could be left or packed to prevent others from knowing where your exchange location is. As long as you aren't stupid you can keep someone from findig your tent during the timed cooldown.

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So are you proposing segmenting the hive into three parts, and giving people a character on each?

To what purpose?

I'd prefer just having each server have its own hive. Since tents and vehicles work this way, it would kill tons of problems, including server hopping.

This would require a fairly large upgrade to the HIVE.

This would have quite a few problems with it.

One of Dayz selling points is that you don't have to track down a server you've been playing on to play on your character.

If a server changes names, closes down, or is offline for hours you can just hop on another server and play on your character.

There's also the added stress to the servers caused by the extra information they have to store.

Finally, this would give other players(those who have access to the server data) the ability to change player data.

Server admins could give themselves weapons by changing their character data, completely bypassing the need for hacking.

Server admins cheat? Well, nothing can be done about that their server stores their own information making blacklisting irrelevant.

Leaving the only solution "don't play on that server anymore", but your most geared character is on that server and this change prevents you from playing him on any other servers...

I would love to get rid of server hopping, especially since it would make it possible to actually fortify buildings and create primitive city structures.

So it isn't that your idea is bad, it just isn't very thought out

I agree with this guy. Let's say you spend a lot of time making your character get better. Then boom, the server gets hacked or deleted, or SOMETHING goes wrong. That's bye-bye for your character.

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Doesn't eliminate the fact that you could use your bad character as a form of unaccessable loot storage.

Deposit: Park him out in the middle of nowhere, put up a tent, switch characters(time cooldown or w/e), put loot to store in tent, switch characters(time cooldown or w/e again), retrieve gear.

Do the opposite to withdraw gear.

The tent could be left or packed to prevent others from knowing where your exchange location is. As long as you aren't stupid you can keep someone from findig your tent during the timed cooldown.

An easy fix to this is preventing your characters from making contact with each other. I.e. Billybob drops a few cans of beans in a building, logs out, another character owned by the same person who owns Billybob walks to the same spot but cannot see the beans. That way they can't just swap things between each other and they can stay separate entities.

With tents or cars, I would think you could do the same thing. may be some problem I can't think of ;)

Edited by Quaby

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An easy fix to this is preventing your characters from making contact with each other. I.e. Billybob drops a few cans of beans in a building, logs out, another character owned by the same person who owns Billybob walks to the same spot but cannot see the beans. That way they can't just swap things between each other and they can stay separate entities.

With tents or cars, I would think you could do the same thing. may be some problem I can't think of ;)

I'm not sure if you have any experience in programming; but this would require alterations to several different parts of the mod, cause unbelievable server lag(each item on the server would have to be checked to see if anyone on the server list has the same ID as the player that dropped it excluding the character that dropped it), as well as the added strain to the already overburdened HIVE.

If we're going by the post I was replying to that suggested a 2 hour cooldown, there would also be the issue of storing(already stored, but this would require a more long-term storage) which servers a player had logged into, what character he logged in on, and when he logged in and using that information to implement the 2 hour cooldown. Adding to the previously added burden on the HIVE

If we aren't, there is the issue of players using multiple characters to avenge one another

Lastly, this would still allow clans to use each others' characters an unraidable storage system.

If you would like me to find the possible pros and cons to any other changes, related or unrelated to this topic, Captain Foresight will be available on my account through the forum's PM service. Have a nice day

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I play as a team 99% of then time but when they are not online i don't play at all............but i still want to play but can't.... so i would like two or more profiles or something like that so i can play as a lone wolf.

mostly just for fun and hone my primary skills, I only started playing 2 weeks ago and right now my char is on day 8. :D

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Being able to loot up on your main and then screw around on a secondary would remove a lot of the risk from the game. Plus, a lot of people would be on their mains while someone is harassing them on their secondary risking none of their best equipment.

Edited by BazBake

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Not a bad idea. I would like more than one profile because at the moment i'm waiting for a friend to come back from holiday so i cant leave where he is, but ive made some friends who wish for me to be in a group with them. The problem is that i've searched around and got tons of equipment for my friend (which i already have) and if i leave him and die then i've wasted a weeks worth of sweating. With 2 profiles i could play with them and stay with my friend. It would make life a lot easier.

I think your idea is good.

Sam B)

;) :beans: :emptycan: :beans: :emptycan: :beans: :emptycan: <_<

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