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Someone edited my map?

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So I was playing last night and was near the north east air field, I logged in today and im in the wilderness and on my map there are allot of markings all over that I have not done, including a rather large penis made up from the black cross markings.

My food and water and all gear are the same, Once before some thing happened to me like this but because there was no penis I thought it was a bug but this has clearly been done by someone.

So my question is how? Could it be done from server side from a server I joined last or does this mean my account has been hacked, and would this include my steam account?

Any help would be appreciated.

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Anyone can mark locations on the map.... I've never seen a penis before though... lol

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Those map markers are team wide and since in this mod, we are all on the same team, everyone sees them.

Looks like you've got someone on your server that really, really loves penises.

You can remove them with shift-right click, I believe.

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Anyone can mark locations on the map.... I've never seen a penis before though... lol

I can show you mine !! :P


@Ow1 some servers got shared map locations .

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Sounds like a troll, but I'll answer anyway.

That's just other people on the server's markings being shown on your map...

Did you really think it would save your personal markings to the database and that people could "hack" your map?

Edited by spykr

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Just double click on the map and you can type anything you want. Delete them by mousing over them and pressing delete.

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Basically Rocket been to lazy to edit out the part of ARMA that lets you place markers for teammates, and funnily enough, DayZ treats all players as if they are on the same side.

Its a simple thing that should have been fixed by now, but seems dogs, beartraps and all this other shit are more important.

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So what about the fact that my char had moved? when i say wilderness I dont mean the empty fields that the bug takes you too I mean in a new place in the woods.

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seems dogs, beartraps and all this other shit are more important.

Yes, they quite literally are.

Alpha is about adding new features, not removing shit that doesn't even matter.

How do you know he even has the ability to stop markers showing up for everyone?

Presumptive, entitled cunt.

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Yes, they quite literally are.

Alpha is about adding new features, not removing shit that doesn't even matter.

How do you know he even has the ability to stop markers showing up for everyone?

Presumptive, entitled cunt.


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Sounds like a troll, but I'll answer anyway.

That's just other people on the server's markings being shown on your map...

Did you really think it would save your personal markings to the database and that people could "hack" your map?

Yes, Server side are able to edit stuff on my end I know this. I have not played ARMA 2 only got the game for dayz so dont know how it fully works (No i'v never played COD)

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And thanks for the help guys.

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im pretty sure that when you change what channel you are in (local/global) whatever then the markers you place also apply to that group. so if you do local then maybe only you can see them

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This problem could be solved easily if Rocket would shove ACE into DayZ. ACE has a "maptools" item that goes into the hunting knife, matchbox, etc area of gear. With Maptools you can draw whatever you want on your map so only your group units can see it. Since all players are leaders of their own group, these markings would only be visible to themselves (which is why group chat does nothing). It'd let you mark on your map things like your tent location and server incase you forget, or a large camp you found and need to mark and wait for your friend to get on or whatever later in the day.

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people who don't read the manual for the game that dayz has modded never cease to amaze me. better yet you should try and play arma 2 it is actually ok (little rough around the edges like dayz).

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