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"Wanted" GG-clan from DE 1283

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Ok so here's my story.

I was hunting ppl on DE 1283 when i tought il checl Skalisty for chopper, when i got there i noticed movement of few ppl, i check who is on a server and noticed its mostly GG clan, i keept my eye on them for few H waiting for them to get comfortable, and they did they broght a bus, a 60 pussy wagon, and boat, and they were all on boat going to the shore.

After they landed they went in a car at that point i landed bunch of AS50 rounds at them, killing 3, and blowing up their car, bus...

I got hit by KICKED by admin muhaha, as well as my friend.

Since they proceded to kicking me all the time i was patient enough to let some time pass, then i changed my name and rejoin their server, to punish them even more.

Well i got on and these time i recorded the whole experience, i got 2 kills and got Banned from their server.

I dont care about the ban as i even dont care playing with such nublets.

Soory for my english in videos, the first is where i killed them and their asset the second i killed 2 and got ban.


Soory these first one is loud and im like a damn Parrot with "as well"

Edited by unknownBastard
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I'm not playing on any DE server more. Weird settings, they know mostly nothing about GMT/UTC, lags, kicks etc – problems. Top of my list is DE XXXX servers mostly but I always choose other servers. Last day I played on DE (Im not sure number now). My friend found 4 heli crash sites in one place, many dead bodies with full equipment (gps, nv, cool weapon etc). Then admin spawned all players on server on the center of the North Airstrip, same place ofc. I loged off very fast, but my friend was killed here.

Is any way for official servers with no changes like this? I was on servers with survivor bots, cheaters of course etc. Discouraging. You never know.

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Then admin spawned all players on server on the center of the North Airstrip, same place ofc.

Oh, can't wait to see the day, when everybody understands that you need cheats for spawning players. Admin rights are limited.

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Oh, can't wait to see the day, when everybody understands that you need cheats for spawning players. Admin rights are limited.

Ofc. they are limited but what stops admin from using hack's?

Lets not presume that all admins are now like a delicate flowers knowing nothing about scripts,hacks.. Google is your friend

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btw - I killed 2 gg clan members, as I remember, one was Cocco or something ;) They attacked me in barracks on n. airstrip

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btw - I killed 2 gg clan members, as I remember, one was Cocco or something ;) They attacked me in barracks on n. airstrip

ha ha , yeah i know its like animals to the slaughter they suck at gaming.

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Ur just an other fcking loot camper. They should get banned because ur one of this persons of leave the game if they get shooted.

Yes I am serious. Just an other Fail. Many Server switcher sit on this island and switching always server till if they find people.

Learn to play this game.

I am happy that u got banned on an Server. But now they should ban more because loot camping and server switching is just stupid.

Edited by RiDDiX

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