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Animals as followers/companions

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Pets as followers, cats or dogs works as the AI like arma's soldiers and follows you and you can command them. They can work as a distraction, attack zombies or just be your companion. You can find them on fields like other animals and you can domesticate them so they can be your follower. Some kind of process so you could domesticate them would be necisarry, Why not the use of a toolbox lol.

Gameplaywise it could work as you press F2 then the command option would come up and if you aim at a zombie or player you can choose attack or move to. Also if you lose your pet you could press formation line or whatever its called. 

 think this could be a great addition for dayz for thoose lone survivors or just survivors who want a companion. 

Please let me know what you think. positive comments or constructive critism is greatly appreciated :)

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They are adding Dogs to it soon as Rocket said, as companions for the moment.

Possibly in the next patch.

I would so love that, and I were just about to post that I wanted dogs ^_^

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Dogs are coming apparently.

Although why i have no idea.

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They are adding Dogs to it soon as Rocket said, as companions for the moment.

Possibly in the next patch.

Ooh. But i like cats more tough :3

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I wouldn't get a dog companion f they come out. Pretty sure they will have shitty AI and will commit suicide a lot. I don't think I will want to take care about an extra life.

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Cats lol.

Look at the paths the zeds take and how they look/move. And they are a major point in this game. Now think of some dog. How would that thing be? CRAP

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