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"Blue on Blue" / "Check your Fire" messages

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I sometimes see these "Blue on Blue" and "Check your fire" messages on servers that should have side-chat disabled.

Anyone know what these are about ?

I'm usually not shooting or getting shot at when that happens.

Just a bug with no further meaning ?

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I'm starting to believe that even though they can appear randomly, the main reason for them is hackers using the in-game menu's as selection menu's for their cheats. When they appear on our server, we usually have an "incident" shortly afterwards.

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There (occasionally) is an NPC who runs around the map, gets in vehicles etc. Sometimes he has good gear and other times not so good. Anyways, these messages (from experience) have shown up whenever we have shot this NPC. Kinda amusing when you see him at/near the top of the zombie kill scoreboard (I think the name is george smith or something).

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Usually peeps putting on ghillies/camo to dupe their body and kill themselves to get double the shit

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There (occasionally) is an NPC who runs around the map, gets in vehicles etc. Sometimes he has good gear and other times not so good. Anyways, these messages (from experience) have shown up whenever we have shot this NPC. Kinda amusing when you see him at/near the top of the zombie kill scoreboard (I think the name is george smith or something).

Idk wtf you're talking about, but I've had the message after I shot a dead body before.

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There (occasionally) is an NPC who runs around the map, gets in vehicles etc. Sometimes he has good gear and other times not so good. Anyways, these messages (from experience) have shown up whenever we have shot this NPC. Kinda amusing when you see him at/near the top of the zombie kill scoreboard (I think the name is george smith or something).

That's unrelated. "George Smith" is the name of Alt+F4 heroes everywhere. When a player Alt+F4s, for a brief second his name is changed to George Smith, and if you kill him within this time quickly enough then you may get the Alt+F4 player's gear, and "George Smith has died" will show up as a message.

It may be possible that "George Smith" is also the placeholder for players who are in the process of logging in.

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I always thought it was how the zombie AI worked, but I guess not.

Thought they communicated like a squad to chase people.

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I found a dude called mike stood in Zelenogorsk - shot him in the face and said was killed friendly fire.

That happens when somebody isnt finished loading in and gets shot.

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I always thought it was how the zombie AI worked, but I guess not.

Thought they communicated like a squad to chase people.

Yeah, I don't know what the "check your fire" is all about. I just had it spammed as I was running through the woods. I figured it was someone out of voice range sending me a msg to let me know I was coming towards his position or he was a friendly behind me wanting to team up, but I guess not. Though, you are right about how the zombies communicate. When you log in, you see a bit of it during the loading screen. "22, Return to formation", "158, Form on me", "57 is dead!". It's the zombies talking to each other, as well as the commands the player gives them to get them to attack and such. I could be wayyyyy off, but that's what I thought of it as.

Well I guess it doesn't mean much so I'll slither out from under this tree ;)

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if you shoot the corpse of a dead player not too long after he died, you get those messages in chat

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I'm starting to believe that even though they can appear randomly, the main reason for them is hackers using the in-game menu's as selection menu's for their cheats. When they appear on our server, we usually have an "incident" shortly afterwards.

I think you are right about that. Have been thinking the same thing for a while now.

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