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Self-report after accidently picking up a hackers weapon ?

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Hi. Yesterday i was driving with my buddy back to base after successful industry car parts raid when we saw a crashed heli a few hundred meters from our tents. So we investigated, and my buddy, new to the game, said "yeah, i found a g 36 camo on that dead body"

I told him to drop the hacked shit, which he did, so we drove the few meters to our tens and logged out.

Later that night we logged back in to raid the nw airfield, i covering, he looting, and while he was in the baracks trying to pick up stuff he noticed that he had the g 36 back in his backpack.

He dropped it again and it hasnt come back since then, but now were wondering if we could self-report that so neither he nor that unlucky fellow who may have found it in the baracks (if i would find it there i would think thats something new that hasnt found its way to the wiki yet) get in trouble for that..

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You won't get in trouble for it, as long as you didn't spawn the weapon.

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You cant get into trouble for "picking up" a hacked weapon.

They're just going after the people that actually hack it in. Not unfortunate souls like you who may happen upon one on your travels :D

Edited by GeordieMarv

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I was reading a post about things rocket has said and this one was one of them.


get rid of the hacked object if you can I would think is the best course of action.

may 8th bro

shit has changed since then

as in july 26th


post #8

having / using the G36C wont cause anything to happen to you other than maybe have an admin go through his server item logs and ban you from HIS SERVER ONLY for having it.

Edited by Buffjesus

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