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HowTo: DayZ-Server via Windows VM (on Linux Debian)

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my DayZ-Server is running on Linux Debian Squeeze via VirtualBox (Win2003).

Hardware: Intel i7 2600, 32gb RAM, ...

1. I used "gnome" as desktop-environment and "vnc4server" with "VNC-Viewer" for virtualbox:

~ # apt-get install gnome vnc4server

Downloadlink for the latest VNC-Viewer --> RealVNC

2. Create a user for virtualbox + pwd

~ # useradd -m username

~ # passwd username

3. Login with the new user and start vnc4server (choose a suitable resolution, in my case 1440x900)

~ # vnc4server -geometry 1440x900

4. Login via VNC-Viewer

5. Download and install virtualbox

6. Create a virtualmachine, in my case for win2003, 4gb ram, network host-only, 8x cpu, vt-x on

7. iptables-nat, port forwarding via root

~ # echo 1 > /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

~ # iptables -A POSTROUTING -t nat -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

~ # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 2302 -j DNAT --to

~ # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 2305 -j DNAT --to

~ # iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p udp --dport 2305 -j DNAT --to

8. Reconfigure your network on your virtualmachine:

Click Start, Control Panel, Network Connections.

Right click on the connection, properties.

Select Internet Protocol (TCP/IP), click properties.

Select use the following IP address and enter

IP address:

Subnet mask:

Default gateway:

Preferred DNS server and Alternate DNS server: the addresses of the DNS of your provider.

~ # nano /etc/resolv.conf

nameserver xx.xx.xx.xx

nameserver yy.yy.yy.yy

nameserver zz.zz.zz.zz

Click OK and again OK.

9. Install and start you DayZ-Server =)

9.1 Remove the "-ip xx.xx.xx.xx" parameter to start the server correctly or set the local IP, "-ip"

10. recommendable:

- disable root-login

- reject all not needed incoming packets (to disable vnc login..)

This is my way to provide an epic and fast DayZ-Server :D


Edited by kraZey

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Hello kraZey,

the team has been aware of this possibility (in fact, we have quite a few test servers run that way and we know that a few people are running DayZ servers semi-natively on *NIX using WINE, too.

We nevertheless do not officially support or encourage this because it adds another unknown variable that is hard to account for, especially if you have people who are not very familiar with the *NIX environment. It also adds performance issues if things are not ideally configured.

Edited by jwiechers

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Hello kraZey,

the team has been aware of this possibility (in fact, we have quite a few test servers run that way and we know that a few people are running DayZ servers semi-natively on *NIX using WINE, too.

We nevertheless do not officially support or encourage this because it adds another unknown variable that is hard to account for, especially if you have people who are not very familiar with the *NIX environment. It also adds performance issues if things are not ideally configured.

I'm not sure you read the OP.. he is suggesting virtualization.. not Wine.

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pardon my french, by why in the fuck would you even bother with a setup like that? You would still be running the dayz server on shitty windows software, there would be absolutely no increase in performance or stability since you still would in essence be running the dayz server through windows :/ Now if there was dayz server software that natively supported linux, that would be fantastic, but what you have just described is completely and utterly pointless in any and all perspectives, having said that, why are you trying to do this?

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I'm not sure you read the OP.. he is suggesting virtualization.. not Wine.

beans for you sir

pardon my french, by why in the fuck would you even bother with a setup like that? You would still be running the dayz server on shitty windows software, there would be absolutely no increase in performance or stability since you still would in essence be running the dayz server through windows :/ Now if there was dayz server software that natively supported linux, that would be fantastic, but what you have just described is completely and utterly pointless in any and all perspectives, having said that, why are you trying to do this?

its useful for a few reasons. virtualization technology has had hardware support for years, so the performance difference is <5% in most all scenarios.

ever backup and restore using snapshots for VMs before? its pretty kickass and easy to do.

in the event this server got into a bad state and totally fucked everything, you could spend 10 minutes restoring a snapshot and snap back to any hardware/software config and data you have.

a great feature for server hosting.

this thread has a misleading title though, it has nothing to do with running the server on linux. his answer is run it in a windows VM.

Edited by Prion

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I'm not sure you read the OP.. he is suggesting virtualization.. not Wine.

I read it -- but officially, virtual servers are not supported, either because many things can go wrong and performance can be suboptimal. I merely mentioned WINE because I had assumed that someone would bring it up sooner or later on this thread.

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I read it -- but officially, virtual servers are not supported, either because many things can go wrong and performance can be suboptimal. I merely mentioned WINE because I had assumed that someone would bring it up sooner or later on this thread.

Wine. We all drink it, however I float my DayZ server on it.

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I read it -- but officially, virtual servers are not supported, either because many things can go wrong and performance can be suboptimal. I merely mentioned WINE because I had assumed that someone would bring it up sooner or later on this thread.

WINE - Wine Is Not an Emulator

as the name say wine is not an emulator, its a runtime system, and the way the OP says its the same way every DayZ hoster use, or u think there use for every dayz server a hardware server? this all justs VPS runing on one main system, and iam thinking its not a windows server ;-)

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Suito, WINE, despite its backronym and frequent claims to the contrary, is an emulator in the strict sense of the word. ;-)

As for what hosters actually use: I actually know numbers -- and no, many servers are not VPS, but dedicated machines running Windows 2k8 R2, especially the machines hosted by a couple of the larger GSPs. We are of course aware that a number of hosters use virtual servers, some use Hyper-V and Win2k8R2 instances, some use vSphere, some virtualbox or XEN on *nix. I never said that this could not work or would not work, although we are seeing substantially higher numbers of crashes in these settings. All I said was that it is not generally supported or encouraged because it leads to additional issues we cannot currently provide tech support for.

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pardon my french, by why in the fuck would you even bother with a setup like that? You would still be running the dayz server on shitty windows software, there would be absolutely no increase in performance or stability since you still would in essence be running the dayz server through windows :/ Now if there was dayz server software that natively supported linux, that would be fantastic, but what you have just described is completely and utterly pointless in any and all perspectives

Ok, sry. All VMs are crap. Do you ever used a VServer? As prion said..

its useful for a few reasons. virtualization technology has had hardware support for years, so the performance difference is <5% in most all scenarios.

ever backup and restore using snapshots for VMs before? its pretty kickass and easy to do.

why are you trying to do this?

..trying? I am doing this right now :/ ^^

this thread has a misleading title though, it has nothing to do with running the server on linux. his answer is run it in a windows VM.

..you're right. Title changed =)

Why I said "This is my way to provide an epic and fast DayZ-Server":

-> I am not connecting 20 minutes to this server

-> I have no connection interrupts or permanent lags

-> Intel i7 2600 with vt-x support? This is a powerfull cpu dude :>

Prerequisite to use this way of server hosting:

-> Knowledge of Linux and VMs

-> powerful server

I am using this kind of server hosting for years, e.g. in CoD4 - I always wanted to be up to date. Now I am hosting this CoD4-Server via Linux without a VM and I have no recent performance boosts. Why I use Windows VMs? No restrictions, no additional costs (I have two Windows Server licenses for 2003 & 2008).

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Running a server with Wine just fine.

There are some challenges to go through but it is worth it. ;)

How is the performance in a virtual machine?

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It is nice as well =) I am running three dayz server without issues and lags, as long as the hive is not laggy ;D

My private hive namalsk server is running 24/7 without lags =)

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