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Biggest startle from a game ever

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So my first few lives I spawned around Chernogorsk and Elektro - I ended up running around finding some loot and chopping some zombies but ultimately died, once to a sniper after I found an MP5 (Stupid me standing in the fire house tower...derp) and several times to zombies when I was low on supplies and just let them finish me off. Well with my current life I decided to go through the woods, so I've been avoiding the cities and villages just scouting about in the trees. I find a deer stand and my first gun - an AK-74. I was giddy to have such a nice first weapon, I cautiously walked about with it and made a run into a supermarket and found a revolver - in the process I somehow deleted my AK-74 and was a sad panda. But I ended up finding a Winchester which I used as a primary for awhile, then I kept running from deer stands to barns and otherwise looking for loot.

Low and behold, I find a G17 in a deer stand and 2 clips! Hurray, a nice pistol! A bit later I find a CZ550 in a barn, huzzah! So I'm loaded up on survival needs and decide to stop just running between these (As I've never encountered anything but zombies doing this) so I start heading east. Well tonight I'm on a pretty low population morning server, about 10 other people on (In-game was about 10 AM). So I'm checking some deer stands, striking out and after aggro'ing a military zombie near a deerstand I decide to approach the next one prone and scout for zombies in third person. So I'm just crawling along, looking left and right then suddenly a person shaped shadow. OH NO, the zombie spawned right next to me - CRAP! I look over, it's not a zombie it's another player. And not just any player, he was holding what had to be either an AS50 or an M107. My heart was literally racing - "NO, I decide to leave the safety of my barns and deer stands and now I'm going to die!" This guy freaked me out since he literally spawned 10 meters to my left. I look at him, he looks at me - all I'm thinking is "QUICK QUICK GET OUT THE GLOCK!" as I had my hatchet in hand.

I remain prone, pull out my Glock BAP-BAP-BAP-BAP I unload on the guy sure he's going to murder me with that 50 cal. I'm certain all 17 shots hit him at that range and with ironsights, he looked stunned at first then ran around gushing blood. "YES," I thought "I didn't get sniped and lose all my progress to some random guy logging in literally next to me" he's running around and getting out his pistol, I reload BAP-BAP-BAP-BAP and unload another clip on him. "That got him for sure! Now to find his body"...except there was no body. Sigh, he ALT+F4'd - coward.

I was a bit shaky for a minute or two after that, never had something startle me in a game like that - horror games are too predictable and throwaway anyway but I've had this life for several days and I'd hate to lose it. So I'm curious, since this guy was gushing blood all over the place and I shot him so many times with my G17 before he ALT+F4'd is he going to re-log and have full health like it never happened somewhere else or log in on another server near death? It destroys all the fun of this game when people do this, it's a shame there isn't a penalty like a 1 minute delay from when your client suddenly ends to when your in-game character disappears that won't happen if you exit the game through the menus. Now I have a G17 with no ammo, and no loot to show for it - and I'm sure that guy I shot up had a lot of nice loot on him if he's running around with a 50 cal so close to the southern coast.

Just wanted to share my story, really makes me love DayZ even despite the fact there are ALT+F4'ing cowards everywhere. I just hope something gets done about it eventually, it breaks the game. I wouldn't have ALT+F4'd if the guy shot me, though I will admit I would have thought it was a cheap kill - but nonetheless. What are the odds of someone being THAT close to you when they log in, when I'm not near any kind of known sniper vantage points or bandit camps at that exact time. I mean it, if he logged in where he was a few seconds later I would have been in front of him and died without even knowing where it came from. Another question from some more veteran players, should I keep carrying this G17 around considering ammo is probably gonna be hard to come across and just hope to find some or ditch it for another sidearm? I found a Makarov earlier with 4 clips, but this was before this little incident and I know the Makarov is a big step down from the Glock.

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When he relogs I think he will have somewhere near the same blood that he had when he alt f4ed. As for the g17 I'd swap it for m1911 or a revolver as they are a lot more common and do much more damage! Don't pick up a makarov!!

Edited by Timmymachine109

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The Makarov does the same damage as the glock just no light and less rounds, Stick with a PDW, M1911, Revolver.

Most people do Alt+F4 due to the fact they died and they would rather no one get their loot as they just lost it.

So the game is actually being ruined ATM by hackers, Dupers, Glicthes, Alt+F4 fags and many more things.

Its an Alpha i know...

So we make the most of it before it may die or before it gets worse with the stated above.

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I hate when this shit happens. Me and my friend had been making our way to some barns outside of Gulgovo. We had noticed some player activity in Gulgovo and decided to stay away from it. On our way to our barn we noticed zeds were spawning in the distance. It had to have been a player. We stop at a tree line overlooking the barn. Low and behold a player comes running across an open field heading towards the barn. I keep on sight while my friends shoots him with the SVD. The shot MISSES and the kid alt + f4s. He didn't even get hit and bailed!

So yeah, that will happen a lot. That kid you almost (should have) killed was probably really bad. And at the first sign of trouble he alt + f4s so he can keep his gear.

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To play devil's advocate, if I logged out in what I assumed was a very low traffic, relatively "safe" place, then log in to get immediately shot when I have good gear, I might be tempted to Alt+F4. I've never done it, but it would be one of those moments that had me really cursing bad luck. And who knows, he might not have tried to kill you if you two could successfully defuse the situation. I think part of the problem is no one bothers to make an attempt and they just shoot on sight, even if it's a player just logging in or who's maybe in a corner staring at the wall clearly AFK (<----like I was for one of my deaths).

If I was still playing in spite of the hackers, I'd say the G17 is a liability. Revolver/1911 ammo is more common, and I feel any of the military guns just makes you another target for those who would want your loot. I'd only go for silenced military weapons for the utility of zombie killing. Only bandits really need a reason to load up with assault rifles, LMGs, sniper rifles, and auto pistols.

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Well yea, you complain, but how do you think he feels, getting shot up while he is still watching a loading screen waiting to connect? Your killing him then is about as cheap as him Alt f4ing to save his stuff..

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Well yea, you complain, but how do you think he feels, getting shot up while he is still watching a loading screen waiting to connect? Your killing him then is about as cheap as him Alt f4ing to save his stuff..

He wasn't at the loading screen, as I turned to look at him he turned and looked at me - and we both stopped like "Huh...that's a player..." then we realized OH NO, that's a player! Sorry I just don't see someone with a 50 cal who's likely been way north coming back down south as someone who would've saluted me back and not just shot me in the face. That's typical bandits who come back south to pick off people who never bother going north - since it's easy to pick off people without scoped weapons when you have one. If I had seen him running around in the distance I would've just laid low and let him go, but given how people react in-game it was a knee jerk reaction on my part especially given his gun would one shot me and I've had next to no player interaction in this life especially since I've had a weapon.

Just being honest here, I don't think there's hardly anyone who wouldn't have done the same. I'd be more trusting of people, but I've found in my first lives that guys with AK's will chase after and murder someone who just has a hatchet and runs away from them instead of trying to chop them.

Edited by Shintsu

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The Makarov does the same damage as the glock just no light and less rounds, Stick with a PDW, M1911, Revolver.

Most people do Alt+F4 due to the fact they died and they would rather no one get their loot as they just lost it.

So the game is actually being ruined ATM by hackers, Dupers, Glicthes, Alt+F4 fags and many more things.

Its an Alpha i know...

So we make the most of it before it may die or before it gets worse with the stated above.

PDW does the same damage as the g17, it just has full auto which you can do yourself by just pulling the trigger really fast.

The M1911 and Revolver are both worthless since they got nerfed into the floor. They do slightly more damage than the 9mm side arms, but have clips less than half the size.

I would recommend using the flashlight on the g17 though if you're within 10m. It completely blinds the target if they're running max gamma (ghetto night vision) or have NVGs on. This would be at night of course.

Also, if you shot him that many times he's definitely in shock. If you log out while in shock you log back in with an unconscious timer, usually MASSIVE. Assuming you did enough damage and the hive properly updated the fact that he is 1. in shock and 2. bleeding I would pretty much guarantee he'll log back in, fall asleep, and die.

So to anyone trying to justify the alt f4, that last line means that:

1. If he had stayed and tried to fight with his fitty cal, he may have been able to kill the G17 man and bandage himself to live another day.

2. By alt-f4ing he basically ensured that he will die (assuming again that the hive had time to register the damage, bleeding, and shock. This would depend on how shitty the server was you're playing on)

3. Therefore, the only purpose to alt-f4ing was to ensure that poor G17 wouldn't get his loot, and he would instead decompose somewhere on another server where no one can have his loot.

So yeah, alt-f4ing was the stupid asshole thing to do. Like it always is.

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