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Different sets of clothes affecting temperature

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So here's a huge suggestion.

I've had this idea for quite a while and it's mostly about mechanics already in the game or shortly coming in to the game.

I think it's fair and safe to assume that "skins" or different clothes and uniforms are coming to the game. My suggestion is to tie temperature and weather to the types of clothes you have on.

This would also include a new spectrum to the temperature mechanic. Basically just the opposite of getting cold, you can get too hot and suffer from heat fatigue and ultimately get a heat stroke. Also when you start getting hot, you start dehydrating faster.


Clothes would basically be a new loot type that can spawn anywhere appropriate. Civilian clothes in residential areas, military clothes at barracks or airfield etc. You could carry clothes in your inventory (take two or three spaces) and change the clothes that you are wearing to whatever you find.

There would be different tiered clothes for different weathers and other uses :

A rough example

- light clothing (civilian)

- medium clothing (civilian and military)

- heavy clothing (civilian and military)

The effects of weather and clothing on your temperature would be by a simple advantage system.

Light clothing : good for sunny weather and pretty good for cloudy weather Very (very) slightly lose temperature if it's cloudy and windy. You lose warmth the most when it's raining at night. All new characters would spawn with a random set of light civilian clothes.

Medium clothing civilian : good for a lot of the weather types, but gets a little hot when it's completely sunny and no wind. Good for overcast and windy. Still suffers penalties from rain and night but not as much as light clothing.

Medium clothing military : practically same effects as civilian but you'll get the extra advantage with the camo patterns and all that

This is a bit open for me but I myself think that heavy clothing would be ghillie suits, military raincoats and civilian raincoats. Civilian raincoats would simply be blue/black, military raincoats would be green/camo.

Heavy clothing has a lot of disadvantages when it's sunny. You get really hot really fast and also dehydrate quicker because of sweating. But when it's raining you suffer no penalties. Only when it's night and raining you start slowly losing temperature. So that would balance a ghillie suit out a bit. If you camp somewhere with your precious ghilliesuit, you'll need to hydrate a lot and often.

I'm not sure whether raincoats should be clothing you can put on your normal clothes or completely different clothes altogether. It's probably a question of the engine and what it can handle and what can be scripted in.


To keep the idea simple (as simple as possible), clothes are all sets. You can't get individual hats or boots or whatever since that would probably be impossible or take a huge amount of time to implement.

There's alot of different skins for ARMA II already and a lot of those could probably be utilised.

Some example of different clothesets can be found here (source : Dslyecxi/ShackTac) :

ARMY - medium/heavy clothing







CIVILIAN - light/medium


Open to comments.

TL ; DR get the fuck out.

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