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Random weapon type change

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I had an L85 in my hand and a DMR in my pack. I had to log off for lunch, some back on an hour later and I now have 2 L85's! WTF :facepalm:

Is this a common bug? Random weapon type changes?

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Possibly a hacker script if I remember correctly. Happens from time to time. Sorry to say :/

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Your backpack takes like 1-3 minutes to save contents, so you probably put the dmr in pack and logged off before it saved, hence it remembered there being an l85 in there

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It's a hacker script. This one in particular "gives gear", however if there is already gear present the existing gear will be overridden.

Awhile ago a hacker used this script on the server I was on, and it was applied to all players instead of any individual player or himself. The result was that everyone on the server now has a FAL in hand, a M4 SD in their new coyote bag, rangefinders, NV goggles, a ghillie suit, all the tools, and various consumables.

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It's a hacker script. This one in particular "gives gear", however if there is already gear present the existing gear will be overridden.

Awhile ago a hacker used this script on the server I was on, and it was applied to all players instead of any individual player or himself. The result was that everyone on the server now has a FAL in hand, a M4 SD in their new coyote bag, rangefinders, NV goggles, a ghillie suit, all the tools, and various consumables.


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