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Alice pack in the outhouse. LET ME LOVE YOU!

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So far I've seen an alice pack in a few of those small outhouses that is in most residential areas. However I've never been able to get it no matter how I maneouver around. Does anyone have a trick on have to get at it, if it is even possible?

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I haven't had problems picking up the other items, as its usually possible to do it with a bit of moving around. However the alice pack has eluded me.

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I've found the best way to pick-up objects in this game is to open the context UI first (middle mouse button by default) and then look directly at it.

If the bag is sitting on top of objects, it will be much harder and you will have to try it from a couple of different angles to get the option to appear in the UI.

Just another wonderful trait of this game engine...

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