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us1340 Banned for "hacking"?

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My user name is trill and I was banned for hacking when i tried to connect to the server. I would like to know what hack i was accused of using as I do not hack. I fond a gun lastnight off a guy that i kill that was not legit but I did not kill anyone with it on that server. I have also gotten rid of it.

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My user name is trill and I was banned for hacking when i tried to connect to the server. I would like to know what hack i was accused of using as I do not hack. I fond a gun lastnight off a guy that i kill that was not legit but I did not kill anyone with it on that server. I have also gotten rid of it.

14:44:59 "LOGIN ATTEMPT: "18453318" Trill"

14:45:00 "Locality Event"

14:45:00 "Locality Event"

14:45:00 "Locality Event"

14:45:00 "Locality Event"

14:45:00 "Locality Event"

14:45:00 "Locality Event"

14:45:00 "READ/WRITE: ['PASS',false,'23732582',[197,






14:45:00 "LOGIN RESULT: ["PASS",false,"23732582",[197,[1893.55,8035.42,0.00195313]],[["ItemFlashlight","ItemMatchbox","ItemCompass","ItemEtool","ItemGPS","ItemHatchet","ItemKnife","ItemMap","ItemToolbox",





14:45:00 "LOGIN LOADED: B 1-1-A:73 (Trill) REMOTE Type: Survivor1_DZ"

14:45:00 "SERVER RESULT: "X" 0.94"

Logged into server at 5:45pm EST with thermal AS50 already in inventory.

Banned at 6:30pm EST.

Please view a list of legal DayZ weapons here: http://www.dayzwiki.com/wiki/Weapons

Edited by kyriel
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Sorry man. Whether you got the gun off a hacker, or spawned it yourself, we don't let prohibited weapons onto our server (items that aren't supposed to be in DayZ).

If the gun is gone and you won't bring it back on our server, I'll lift the ban.

Edited by Garful
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Well it all good, i would hope this is only the 7 day ban and not a perma ban. I do not have the gun anymore and I did get it off someone I killed on another server. I did git rid of the gun placed it on the ground under a tree.

Edited by trills1

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Well it all good, i would hope this is only the 7 day ban and not a perma ban. I do not have the gun anymore and I did get it off someone I killed on another server.

I'll lift it now before I head to bed.

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Nice! More decent admins! Dayz is starting to look up for me!

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Please let this be a lesson learned. Check the Dayz wiki and learn what weapons are in the game and DO NOT use the ones that arent some admins care about their servers and manage them daily. Thanks and have fun.

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Please let this be a lesson learned. Check the Dayz wiki and learn what weapons are in the game and DO NOT use the ones that arent some admins care about their servers and manage them daily. Thanks and have fun.

B) and sometimes twice daily. Yes, I know I have no life am awesome :wub:

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Please let this be a lesson learned. Check the Dayz wiki and learn what weapons are in the game and DO NOT use the ones that arent some admins care about their servers and manage them daily. Thanks and have fun.

Well the dayz wiki isn't always accurate.

I can't tell u how many times I've posted in the bandit forum about finding a camp and blowing it up with satchel charges only to be berated by an onslaught of 'hacker' name calling because some moron read the dayz wiki and didn't find satchel charges in there but assumed I had to of hacked them in when in fact they are a part of the mod just very rare


Usually the hacked weapons do not have the picture of the weapon to the left of the name in the gear menu

Edited by m1lkm8n
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Just so the admins know, unless you can prove that the person spawned the gun themselves, you CANNOT ban them, even if they kill you with it.

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at this point let the admins do what they need to do to protect their servers. rocket and the team cant do anything and battleeye sucks. so good job admin, keep it up.

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you CANNOT ban them

Sure you can. You open up RCON...put in GUID, etc etc. :)

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Just so the admins know, unless you can prove that the person spawned the gun themselves, you CANNOT ban them, even if they kill you with it.

Oh shut up you idiot.

Good thread and a prime example of an admin administering his server well.

Power to the admins!

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Just so the admins know, unless you can prove that the person spawned the gun themselves, you CANNOT ban them, even if they kill you with it.

Its my server if you use hacks and hacked weapons or exploits and Rcon parses and catches it I will ban them i dont care who spawned it. When you own and pay for a server you can see fit how to run it then k thanks.

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As you can see people can ask for a ban lifted and we will usually cooperate unless it has happened more than once, and was said earlier in the post devs have way more things to worry about. All you have to do is run a parse program on the.rpt file on any server and you will see how bad the problem is. Until you are in the admin position please enjoy the mod and hope to find a server that is admin'ed as well as ours :P

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Its my server if you use hacks and hacked weapons or exploits and Rcon parses and catches it I will ban them i dont care who spawned it. When you own and pay for a server you can see fit how to run it then k thanks.

Then you are risking a blacklist on your server.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

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Sorry man. Whether you got the gun off a hacker, or spawned it yourself, we don't let prohibited weapons onto our server (items that aren't supposed to be in DayZ).

If the gun is gone and you won't bring it back on our server, I'll lift the ban.

Sorry but banning for possession of a hacked weapon is not allowed. You can't prove he didn't get it off another person.

Follow the rules or I hope you get blacklisted for breaking them.

Its my server if you use hacks and hacked weapons or exploits and Rcon parses and catches it I will ban them i dont care who spawned it. When you own and pay for a server you can see fit how to run it then k thanks.

You agreed to follow the rules when you were allowed to set up a server by the DayZ admins. Follow those rules. Ok? Thanks.

Edited by Vertisce

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Then you are risking a blacklist on your server.

When you donate to my server Ill be worried about your opinion until then gtfo

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Sorry but banning for possession of a hacked weapon is not allowed. You can't prove he didn't get it off another person.

Follow the rules or I hope you get blacklisted for breaking them.

You agreed to follow the rules when you were allowed to set up a server by the DayZ admins. Follow those rules. Ok? Thanks.

The devs are to busy doing other things we previously played on a server where hacks were encouraged and used by admins and we caught on fraps/vent and posted in the forums but nothing was done you know nothing about what the devs are dealing with and until you donate to my server your opinion is nil gtfo. Im trying to keep my server free of hacks/exploits/scripts and until your a dev warning me stfu.

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Oh shut up you idiot.

Good thread and a prime example of an admin administering his server well.

Power to the admins!

Bitter truth isn't it? lol

Best post dismisser 2012 good job.

inb4 "You are pathetic"

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Then you are risking a blacklist on your server.

You are not permitted to ban for suspected cheats or exploits of a non-server-disruptive nature, including but not limited to ghosting, unverified cheating, duping and similar, UNLESS you have solid evidence, IE logs.

You're an idiot.

he did have logs he temp banned.

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