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Freeside trading company?

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Is this still around? I can't seem to find the old post I saw on it.

I'm looking for a DMR and SVD camo or m24 haha.

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Yep, we're still around. The OP got a little buried since we use our own forum for stuff now (shameless plug: http://www.freesidetrading.co/), but we've started posting our weekend events in Survivor or General. We've got an open trade tomorrow/today (in about 12 hours, give or take a few).

As for your deal, it depends on what you're trading for them. Those are all pretty valuable guns, so I'd expect them going for other comparable weapons or some high-tier tools (NVG, RF, GPS, etc), the M24 and SVD especially. If it's a good enough deal, we can do the trade from our own stock (providing we have any) or you can post on our forum with your offer and wait for someone else to sell to you.

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Yep, we're still around. The OP got a little buried since we use our own forum for stuff now (shameless plug: http://www.freesidetrading.co/), but we've started posting our weekend events in Survivor or General. We've got an open trade tomorrow/today (in about 12 hours, give or take a few).

As for your deal, it depends on what you're trading for them. Those are all pretty valuable guns, so I'd expect them going for other comparable weapons or some high-tier tools (NVG, RF, GPS, etc), the M24 and SVD especially. If it's a good enough deal, we can do the trade from our own stock (providing we have any) or you can post on our forum with your offer and wait for someone else to sell to you.

Oh I've got plenty to trade. I've been farming the barracks for a few weeks trying to get those guns. I have a bunch of m4a1 cco sds, NVGs, GPS's. You name it, I probably have it stashed somewhere, except for the damn guns I'm looking for haha. If you could check your stock that'd be great. I'd gladly supply you guys with gear.

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