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How to avoid getting raped by established players?

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So I was doing pretty good, had a weapon (hatchet) which was better than average for me so far.

I was running through a field. Saw a downed chopper, I was like "sweet!" There was a mob of zombies that spawned as I approached. Crawled through the mob. Right as I get to the chopper, I hear "pop!...zing...pop!" coming from the tree line. Some dude is firing on me.

I take cover behind the chopper, afraid of disturbing the mob of zombies. The guy sprints through the mob up to me and empties his rifle into me.

First, how is he able to just run through a mob of zombies firing his rifle at me. The zombies completely ignored him. Seems like I get aggro-ed when I crawl too close. Is there cheating going on here?

Second, why do people do this? I'm carrying a hatchet and he has an assault rifle. Why wouldn't he offer to team up with me? A lot of douche bags in this game.

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Best way to avoid established players, is to avoid high priority areas. If you find a downed chopper again you want to make sure to be swift & keep your eyes peeled for other players. A downed chopper is a major attraction.

Find cities like Zelengorsk & Berenzino to loot up and player interaction should be kept to a relative minimum.

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Helicopter Crashes are the best places to loot in the game. Most likely he didn't feel like sharing...

In truth, bandits need no motive to kill you, they just will. You got unlucky, next time, try to get a rifle before venturing into the wilderness.

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This is why I wished there was an option to just play Single Player offline DayZ, with everything the same, but more AI survivors.

It won't be long before mass amounts of talentless children start hacking it, and then that's all you run into.

But for now, you just need to play like it's real life. Use common sense. Stay behind cover, stick to heavily wooded areas, and avoid running into a city.

Try and stay on the outskirts of everything. Because for some reason people seem to think it's fun to just grief others all day.

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The best way to avoid established players or become good enough to have a chance when contending with them is to play with one of said established players by organising it beforehand.

Also, in regards to not aggroing the zombies; he may have been using SD rounds which are almost whispers to zombies, but fireworks to players.


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Dont go near downed choppers. It is one of the biggest sniper camping points in the map. Alot of Zombies spawn there making it hard to get in unless your packing and have teammates.

Also he might have had a silenced weapon.

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yes crash sites are great bates, lots of players are camping them…

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In Arma II every rifle can be used to easily site and kill a player at around 900 feet ~ 300 meters. So Imagine a person laying under a pine tree that far away from you in real life, you would never see them. There idea of a "shoot out" or "firefight" is some action movie bullshit. If you hear shots and can't see the shooter it's too late, they have you sighted, just run away from direction of the gunfire as fast as you can, if you aren't already dead.

As far as the douchebag thing, the entire engine is based around ballistics and high powered rifles, so it's only natural that people will tend to shoot everything they can since its the most well developed aspect of the scenario.

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@ rackley

I got the other way around last night. Found my first chopper in the middle of the field northwest of Scary Sober (haha). Came from above in the treeline and when I was about to enter the open area my son interputed me so I hid behind a small stone fence a coupe of minutes. Back in front of my computer I sneak towards it and between me and the chopper a sniper with a ghillie suit also get up and starts running towards it! I follow and my hearts starts pounding fast - finally I´m gonna get a camo and a good rifle! I get as close as I can and loose my head and fires a couple of shoots, not in the head, but in the back. The guy doesn´t die, but get down behind a bush. I get up and moves forward and when I´m at his spot he is gone. He logged out, or something…

About the zombies which didn´t aggro on your sniper; they doesn´t act in a specific way. Sometimes I get aggroed by zombies from a couple of hundred meters away, always the "jumpers". And last night I came rushing around a corner of a barn fleeing from a zombie when I suddenly face a second zombie face to face. And it didn´t aggro! I lay down and crawled away. So please keep in mind that DayZ is yet in alpha.

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In Arma II every rifle can be used to easily site and kill a player at around 900 feet ~ 300 meters. So Imagine a person laying under a pine tree that far away from you in real life, you would never see them. There idea of a "shoot out" or "firefight" is some action movie bullshit. If you hear shots and can't see the shooter it's too late, they have you sighted, just run away from direction of the gunfire as fast as you can, if you aren't already dead.

Exactly. DayZ is as simple as that; the one who spots first will most likely kill the other. It´s a game for patience players.

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Ahh finally a guy with such a positive attitude even though he got raped;

Anyway, if you would like me and Sula can you with us and help you out?

Skype: mikkla121

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Because you were at a crashed chopper which has some of the best loot in the game, so he didn't want to share it with you and decided to kill you. I'd be very careful when around them next time.

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First, how is he able to just run through a mob of zombies firing his rifle at me. The zombies completely ignored him. Seems like I get aggro-ed when I crawl too close. Is there cheating going on here?

you should try this, sometimes you can run round Zeds for ages before they eventually kick in [alpha code], also it's quite possible he got mobbed [and dealt with it] while you were in the black screen of death...

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avoid anything high value (airfields, military camps, crashed choppers, large towns/cities). in fact choppers do spawn away from large towns and airfields, these ones will be good to approach, but stay away froom stary and the NW airfield, Berezino, Gorka areas.

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I'm a bandit but I never attack without a reason and if I was in this scenario I would simply tell him to give me his weapons until I done looting then I would give them back and keep my scope on him till i'm in the forest if they act like they will kill me I shoot em in the leg and chuck a morphine the other side of a field giving me time to escape

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Found my first chopper last night. Some guys came running from the trees. They didn't see me cause I was under a nearby pinetree. Since they were in group and I was not, I couldn't do much. ...except toss my frag grenade at them. And then of course the fail moment where you're juuuust too close to the blast and you fall unconcious and bleed out ( Was already lower on blood due to zombie attacks ) Bummer...

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