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Scythia Clan (Recruiting Now)!

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------------------Warriors of Scythia-------------------

We are a relatively small and dedicated group, that looks out for friends, as well as enemies!


Tag - Scythia | Name

Alpha Squad








Bravo Squad




Marago (Ben)









Charlie Squad


God Duck





50 Calum

Delta Squad


Mr Happy





Most of our members currently are from the Scythian clan for the Mount and Blade: Warband Mod, cRPG, but we have also picked up several from random direct chat conversations in Day Z and from other forum posts. Do not be afraid to come in TS as we are generally friendly and love meeting new people!

We are NOT looking a flavor of the month, we want members that are going to last!

If you want to join, come into the TeamSpeak (Address @ bottom)

and talk to us! We are on there nearly 24/7

If you don't want to join TS just yet, leave an application on this thread outlining the following:

1. Age (Not a deciding factor, one member is 37, another is 15)

2. Experience Level (Noob, Regular, Veteran, HARDCORE BADASS)

3. Preferred role (Sniper, Scout, Assault, Driver, Medic, etc...)

4. IRL Location (EU or NA, even AUS)

And leave your Steam username


Back Story

Fearing that the Chernarus infection would spread to their homeland, brave Scythian warriors have made the trek to this desolate island in order to eradicate the infected and punish those responsible for it. Hiring a boat captain to take them to the shoreline, they began their journey. Mere hours into their mission, they hit their first obstacle, a freak ocean storm! Their captain valiantly struggles against the gargantuan maelstrom but to no avail, their small boat eventually is torn apart by the raging seas. Survivors grab onto whatever floating debris they can find, and hope for the storm to calm. After many more long, terrible hours the storm breaks and the men can see their destination in a bank of fog, Chernarus. They slowly make the grueling swim to land, and begin checking their losses. All of their weapons of war are gone, no way to defend themselves. No food or water survived the journey, and they are all hopelessly scattered along the island's coastline. Thousands of zombies and hundreds of fellow survivors stand in these gallant warriors' way, there is no turning back now!



(You MUST have TeamSpeak in order to join!)

Edited by Tsugan

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We are expanding into both CS:GO and DotA 2/LoL, if you are interested in either of those, and play DayZ, we are looking for gaming diversity! Also we will be going into GW 2 once that arrives, and War of the Roses as well, we are a COMMUNITY now, not just a CLAN, we are open to all games!

Edited by Tsugan

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Age: 19

Experience Level: Regular

Preferred role: Any but i like to snipe or be a spotter.

IRL Location: US, North American Eastern time

Steam Name :VinceV

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Age- 14

Experience level- veteran

Role- Assault and Sniper. I currently have Dmr, night vision FAL, nvgs, and a ghillie

Location- U.S. (Tx)

Steam- Brac|AvD

Edited by BracAvD

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1. Age: 20

2. Experience Level: Veteran

3. Preferred role: Assault/sniper

4. IRL Location: EU (Norway)

Steam: Zufax

Edited by Zufax

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1. Age 17

2. Experience Level Regular

3. Preferred role Sniper/Spotter

4. IRL Location Canada ( PST)

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could you guys pls tell us on which server youre playing on or - at least- tell us your usual online-times.. (or where most of you guys come from)

im very interested in joining a clan/squad, since this is the best way to play DayZ: safely and organized!

well, here we go ;)

1. Age - Im 19, almost 20, and I've been studying for 1 1/2 years now.

2. Experience Level - I played other FPS-games from time to time, namely CoD MW 2 and BF2 + BF3. At DayZ I'd rank my skills between Regular and Veteran, more likely to be a veteran of course :P I was able to see most of Chernarus, though im still curious about some areas. I definetely know how to play this game, although I still have to learn things - thats the reason why I want to join a squad like yours.

3. Preferred Role - I havent had much sniper weapons in DayZ, but that is not my playstyle anyway. Im good at scouting and I stay calmed while fighting in a bigger battle, what makes me - in my mind - an excellent assault fighter.

4. IRL Location - Im coming from and living in GERMANY, to specify it: BOCHUM, Germany. This will always get me very good pings in EU, but they are okay while playing US-server!

5. Steam Name - iplaywiid

It would be nice if you guys could leave me message or something, so that I could join your TS and we see how I'm fitting to your squad-gameplay!

Greetings, jaybizzle (ingame: JBIZZLE)

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1. Age: currently 14 but will be 15 in about 3 weeks.

2. Experience Level: Regular, i also have experience in other fps games such as CoD, Battlefield and CSS

3. Preferred role: Sniper or scout (more leaning towards sniper)

4. IRL Location: Australia :D

I do have ts3 and i do also have a steam account (check my signature)

Also i like playing M&B NW!


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could you guys pls tell us on which server youre playing on or - at least- tell us your usual online-times.. (or where most of you guys come from)

im very interested in joining a clan/squad, since this is the best way to play DayZ: safely and organized!

I will probably add more specifics later, I didn't want people to go and steal our stuff or try and hack our server, since hacking is just that big of a problem.

I wasn't really expecting all these responses so quickly! Please be patient as I want everyone to feel equally loved and important ^_^ I'll try and get to all of you as quickly as possible

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Hey There

1. Age: 18 :)

2. Experience Level: Veteran i'd say

3. Preferred role: Since there are so much guys who want to be Snipers i'd like to be a Medic/Assault may combine both but i would do all of those they all sound like fun :3

4. IRL Location: EU, Germany

5. Ingame Name: Milch, Seriously ^^

My steamname is Milkiwey!

I really would like to join you guys, cuz i teamed up with some friends till now and this didnt went really well.

Looking forward to play with you guys ;)

Edited by Milch

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1. 22

2. Regular: Been playing for a few weeks but after failing in getting my friends to buy CO I decided to just find a team on here.

3. Assault / Scout: Have a silenced MP5 currently.



Ill probably hop in TS sometime soon. Hungry as hell. Just got out of the military! Trustworthy guy.

Edited by Torres

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1. Age 17

2. Experience Level Regular

3. Preferred role Sniper/Spotter

4. IRL Location Canada ( PST)

I'll need your Steam username if you've got one, it's the easiest way for me to get in contact with you!

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1. Age:21

2. Experience Level : Noob i have 2 days in so far

3. Preferred role Assault since i am ex military

4. IRL Location: NA

5. Steam id: eric1029

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AGE : 14

Experience : Vet

Role : Driver / Pilot

Location : CANADA :D

And my steam is : Business Gecko

Joined the TS server, 30 minutes later "You were banned from the server" Why was i banned?

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Age: 21

Experience Level: Regular

Preferred role: Assault, Scout

IRL Location: EU

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Age: 21

Experience Level: Regular

Preferred Role: Scout / Team player

IRL Location: USA

Steam ID: ccoliver09 !MERICA! :thumbsup:

Side Note: I was on team speak today Sunday, August 05, 2012 from 2:00pm *Merica time* till TS took a dump.

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1. Age: 15

2. Experience Level: Just a regular

3. Preferred role: Sniper being my primary role // Assault ass my off roll

4. IRL Location: United Kingdom.

Steam name: ZaaZir

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1. Age (Not a deciding factor, one member is 37, another is 15)


2. Experience Level (Noob, Regular, Veteran, HARDCORE BADASS)


3. Preferred role (Sniper, Scout, Assault, Driver, Medic, etc...)


4. IRL Location (EU or NA, even AUS)


Steam: Hellmasker

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1. Age:20

2. Experience Level:Regular

3. Preferred role:Assault/Medic

4. IRL Location:Newfoundland,Canada.



Edited by Dethrone

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Unfortunately, we are having some major TeamSpeak issues right now, so you probably will be unable to join. Be patient though, as we are being assured by the VPS company that all of these issues are due to a change in databases, which will be addressed and fixed ASAP.

Also we were hit by yet another hacker attack, this time we took major losses, most lost everything, and a lucky few escaped with their lives, but we will power through these issues and pray that Rocket has a solution to this rampant problem.

Edited by Tsugan

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1. Age: 17

2. Exo level: regular

3. Preferred role: assualt / driver (Kick ass driver)

3. IRL location: UK

4: Steam name: shammondd

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Age: 23

Experience: Normal

Role: Sniper/Assault/Scout

IRL Location: Los Angeles, USA

Steam Name: Delleios

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