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Anybody else seeing this?

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2012/05/24 11:04:04 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/24 11:04:04 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 58372, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/24 11:09:40 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/24 11:11:32 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/24 11:13:16 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

I'd like to know why that EXE is trying to connect to these IPs. They get blocked just fine by my firewall and nothing is impacted...so...why does this EXE need to 'call out' to these IPs? That IP is in Moldava per a WHOIS search.

Anybody else?

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Uhm what EXE are you talking about?? (or NL3) is our server.

EDIT: Nevermind about the EXE, aren't you just trying to join our server or something? I don't see any reason why ArmA would try to connect to our server other then you trying to join...

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No man - I have never tried to join servers in Europe - ping would be (is) too high. I play only on US servers.

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Continue to see the following -

Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/26 10:16:05 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 51819, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/26 10:29:04 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

So, I guess my question is - are these outbound connection attempts for the executable for BattleEye or for the game executable?

I am trying to connect to TX4 and one server in Chicago. Why they heck is my box trying to connect to an IP in the Netherlands?

Also, I am experiencing the 'Receiving Data...' freeze on game startup. I have noticed that many people are experiencing the same thing. Are these events related?

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Can you try to figure out some more information? The destination port, type of packet and size of packet would be very helpful to figure this out. :)

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Continue to see the following -

Type: outgoing' date=' Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/26 10:16:05 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 51819, Process: arma2oa.exe)

2012/05/26 10:29:04 -0600 XXXXXXXXXXXXXX IP-BLOCK (Type: outgoing, Port: 8, Process: arma2oa.exe)

So, I guess my question is - are these outbound connection attempts for the executable for BattleEye or for the game executable?

I am trying to connect to TX4 and one server in Chicago. Why they heck is my box trying to connect to an IP in the Netherlands?

Also, I am experiencing the 'Receiving Data...' freeze on game startup. I have noticed that many people are experiencing the same thing. Are these events related?


My simple guess, and I could be wrong, is that those IPs (and many others) are being called when you oepn the dedicated server browser. Your firewall, for some reason or another, is blocking them.

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