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Don't be careless

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Hello there!

As this is my first post on the forums, I'd like to share with you one of my story's of my time in Chernarus.

I was checking out the barn north of Elektrozavodsk where I saw 2 tents placed outside, full of goodies. Since I just spawned I didn't have any gear thus the loot provided a good starting opportunity. There was an AK, a Winchester, a Lee-Einfield rifle inside, but it only had ammo for the Winchester so that was my weapon of choice.

As I'm looting the tent I hear a few gunshots coming from, what I thought, was the supermarket. I start heading south down the hill to explore, moving quickly but carefully because the fire that I heard wasn't from a makarov. I see a few zeds close to the supermarket but they weren't alarmed, the gunfire had already stopped.

I enter the store from the back, and I see two survivors inside, they spotted me and I called out "Friendly" in chat while hiding behind the wall. Nevertheless they open fire on me as soon as I walk out behind the corner and I collapse on the floor. I wasn't dead though!

One of the bandits quickly grabs the opportunity and starts looting my backpack instead of finishing me off, a big mistake. The shot from the Lee-Einfield that took me down also brought a horde of zombies to the Supermarket, and the bandits start engaging them, shooting them down one by one. I on the other hand, am bandaging my wounds and popping painkillers as if they were candy. I get up and take aim at one of the two bandits, who were both turned away from me looking at the door busy with zombies, they didn't expect me to get up, they though I was dead. I shoot the first bandit 5 times in the head with my makarov. Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang he drops dead. The other bandit sees me and kneecaps me as I'm emptying the clip into him. He's hurt but not dead, so he starts running out of the supermarket with his Winchester. I take out my Winchester and whilst crawling shoot two Zeds who wanted to chew on my wounds.

I didn't have time to bandage myself, so I continue carefully crawling to the door, just waiting until the bandit's head comes into my iron sight. He was standing outside aiming above me, he didn't expect me to crawl out, he had no real chance. 2 Shoots ensued, bang, bang.

And he fell to the ground dead.

Always finish the person you intend to kill, don't be careless, it might hurt you in the end.

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Rule #2: Double tap.


Whenever you kill someone and you didn't keep track of your Murder/Killed Bandit number, 2 shots to the head, then you can loot

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I always make sure I have the jump when there are other players around. That way, I can just unload a massive amount of ammunition into them to ensure their death.

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Made this mistake today. Approached a Tree Stand and suddenly a server hopper appeared. I popping him twice in the head and he fell in a heap, bleeding but still alive. I climbed up the ladder, checked his pulse, and proceeded to loot him. Starting looking through the stand gear as well when he started to get up. I emptied 20 bullets into the guy from an AKM, but was dropped by his lovely Mak.

He didn't make my mistake and quickly shot me in the head.

Even if you think you have the upper hand, don't be foolish enough to give someone even the smallest chance of retribution.

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