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Clan [AURA] Still Recruiting

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In Game Name: Brac

Location: Texas

Experience (Days/months): about 1 month

Age: 15

When Available: everyday

Time Available: all day until school starts then evenings

Time Zone: central

Weapon preference: FAL or Dmr

Any additional information: Steam- Brac|AvD

Skype- Windowmakerbk

Friendly and willing to listen and follow instructions

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In Game Name: Blindingsun

Location: United Kingdom

Experience (Days/months): 1 month roughly


When Available: most nights from 7pm

Time Available: 7pm-1am

Time Zone: Gmt

Weapon preference: m4a1 cco SD, As50 for daytime sniping. Dmr for night-time recon. M9 SD for sidearm.

Any additional information: Ex british armed forces, won't go into details. been gaming since the early 1980's.

Edited by Blindingsun

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he dont take everyone, if you not choose try to apply for a different clan

lol, than it's pretty not fair, and i hate West People for that... so if i'm European, Romania you think i don't speak well english? or i'm not educated well? i think i'm much more educated than thousands of stupid guys who just can insult and swear...And i speak english fine.. Anyway, i'm gonna search an EuroClan , than stay with you.

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not fair, you just have to wait, you wont get pick instanly, you have to wait, they thinking about who to takes, they wont pick everyone who applies, they will pick those who think can contribuate, like the class they need for theirs squad

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In Game Name: Th Moxy

Location: Florida

Experience (Days/months): 7 days

Age: 19

When Available: random

Time Available: random

Time Zone: eastern

Weapon preference: depends, at the moment m1014/mp5

Any additional information:

Already run with a tight group of 3, we are use to operating with just us, but it would be nice to part of a larger group for bigger operations. I tend to like to stay hidden, no run and gun, and like to keep formations tight in populated areas. Training is a must for types of scenarios, am down to train and have role in the clan, maybe as a scout with my group.


1)Must have mic and Ts3- got it

2)Good Attitude - check

3)15+ - 4

4)At least a weeks experience - exactly

5)Be able to work as a Team - already do

6)Be Trustworthy - as much as i can be in this crazy world

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In Game Name: sins

Location: stary sobor

Experience (Days/months): about 2 months


When Available: im available most days

Time Available: im online from about 1 pm to 3 or 4 am

Time Zone: GMT

Weapon preference: i love the enfield and m14 aim. the FAL is also pretty good

Any additional information:

i like to play a medic role most of the time. i can also be good at negotiating if it comes to that. im aslo pretty good a deception if you know what i mean ;)

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In Game Name: Konduit

Location: Toronto, Canada

Experience (Days/months): 1 month

Age: 28

When Available: Immediately and will be playing long term.

Time Available: 24/7

Time Zone: Eastern

Weapon preference: M4A1, DMR

Any additional information: I applied to the first thread you made last week but did not make the cut, I have TS3, Skype and Ventrilo and long term experience in both FPS and survival horror games. I was a long time player of Zombie Panic: Source which I held a mod position on a server for, L4D and Dead Frontier (Zombie MMO). Currently my character is tooled up with M4A1 CCO SD, CZ 550, Revolver and ready to go, I have multiple vehicles/tents set up on different servers and willing to play and move wherever I am needed. I am currently looking for a dedicated clan with multiple members online to experience everything this game has to offer, I'm a team player, never leave anybody behind and will give my blood for the clan if needed. I have seen AURA members before and if your roster becomes full at this time I would still like to cooperate in game on a friendly basis.

Skype: Konduit84

Steam: Konduitx

Edited by Konduit

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In Game Name: Veni Vidi Vici/Dino (2 accounts)


Experience (Days/months):week and a half


When Available:90% of the day

Time Available:Most of the day

Time Zone:PST

Weapon preference:Snipers

Any additional information: Ive been screwed over by clans and I hope this clan will be a trustworthy and fun clan

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In Game Name: Ben Blackburn

Location: US, Florida

Experience (Days/months):1 1/2 months


When Available:Weekdays: after 5 p.m. Weekends, 70% of the time. Time Varies

Time Available:See Above

Time Zone:EST

Weapon preference:None

Any additional information:I have always loved a dedicated/trustworthy clan to role with in any game. I do love getting to know everyone and I have always strived for a leadership type of position, but if I lack the expectations of you, I am fine with following orders from a squad leader. It doesnt matter to me, I just love the idea of squad formations, teamwork, and the ability to conquer cities from cooperation. I hope I fit your requirements.


1)Must have mic and Ts3 ....Yes.

2)Good Attitude.... I shall let you decide =D

3)15+ ....Check

4)At least a weeks experience ....Check

5)Be able to work as a Team .....No doubt

6)Be Trustworthy ... I will always be the second to shoot.

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In Game Name: Hurst3

Location: Indiana, USA

Experience (Days/months): 2 weeks

Age: 18

When Available: 6-11pm

Time Available: Depends on schedule

Time Zone: Eastern Standard

Weapon preference: AS50 or M4 CCO SD

Any additional information: knowledge on tactics and familiar with the sniper rifles in game

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In Game Name: Therow

Location: California

Experience (Days/months): 8 days


When Available: Often (see additional information)

Time Available: Often (see additional information)

Time Zone: -8 GMT Pacific Time

Weapon preference: M4A1 SD-rounds w/ Gillie

Any additional information: I'm a community college kid. The times i am able to play vary in a wide degree based on schooliong, however, currently i am on nearly all the time. I don't have the experiance that some have but i am self sufficient and activly hunting players in little over a week of play. I'm looking for a band of people to group with, have fun with, and generally hang out with while I'm playing dayz.

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In Game Name: Ian

Location: California United States

Experience (Days/months): 3 days


When Available: weekends mainly

Time Available: a few hours

Time Zone: Pacific

Weapon preference: Sniper

Any additional information: I just want to team up with people and yeah haha skype is rhythmog

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In Game Name: Murf

Location: Atlanta Georgia

Experience: Since May

Age: 18

Available: Anytime

Time Zone: Eastern

Weapon Preference: Sniper (i know everyone says this)

Additional Info: I have a as50 and m107 willing to give the m107 for some m107 clips mine got glitched out of my inventory. Also i have a ural im willing to give to the clan just cause i dont care lol.

Edited by Murf

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In Game Name:Griffin

Location:London, ON

Experience (Days/months):


When Available: more then 95% of the time.

Time Available: 12pm- 2am ish

Time Zone:Eastern Standard UTC -5

Weapon preference:M4A1 cco or M4A3 cco

Any additional information: I play with a couple buddies a lot and we play all the time, I found a V3S Civilian and repaired it all but the engine, it can drive but i need engine parts. Im a quick learner so if you need me to i can. I am great leader and follower so i can act as both in this clan. (BTW, the WCG is my xbox clan not another clan just needed it so i can use crafty) ! :)

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In Game Name:Griffin

Location:London, ON

Experience (Days/months):month and a halfish


When Available: more then 95% of the time.

Time Available: 12pm- 2am ish

Time Zone:Eastern Standard UTC -5

Weapon preference:M4A1 cco or M4A3 cco

Any additional information: I play with a couple buddies a lot and we play all the time, I found a V3S Civilian and repaired it all but the engine, it can drive but i need engine parts. Im a quick learner so if you need me to i can. I am great leader and follower so i can act as both in this clan. (BTW, the WCG is my xbox clan not another clan just needed it so i can use crafty) ! :)

Steam: WCG Crafty (again with the WCG part)

Skype: message me for it

Edited by WCG Crafty

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In Game Name: SinicalDev


Experience (Days/months):since the end of may

Age: 16

When Available: Everyday

Time Available: All day everyday at the moment

Time Zone: GMT

Weapon preference:AK-Kobra (currently have one)

Any additional information:

Edited by SinicalDev

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In Game Name: Remus

Location: US, California

Experience (Days/months): Over 1 Month

Age: 17

When Available: Anytime after work/school. (3-4PM GMT-7)

Time Available: As stated above, Mon-Sun

Time Zone: Pacific GMT-7

Weapon preference: Primary: L85 Thermal Scope Secondary: M9SD Pistol

Any additional information: Mature, tactical, Professional.

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In Game Name: Dan

Location: Canada

Experience (Days/months): 1 Month+

Age: 16

When Available: After School and work normally 5 P.M PST(1 A.M. GMT)

Time Available: Alot lol (5PM-8AM during school 5PM-11PM for work)

Time Zone: PST (GMT -8)

Weapon preference: Assault rifles M16 M4A1 ACC and such

Any additional information:


Well expirienced with cars and various vehicles

Good with other mature players (can work with kids but its really annoying)

Know some tactical skills Ex. won't just run in

Preffer using mics for better communication

Will play till i can safely log out Ex. Won't leave a car in cherno

Also if that isn't enough mabye this song will make my application more awesome

Edited by danseaview

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In Game Name: Nail (its pronounced Nile)

Location: Conyers,Georgia

Experience (Days/months): 2 Months

Age: 15

When Available: Any time after 3 P.M.

Time Available: Same as above

Time Zone: Eastern standard time

Weapon preference: Sniper and assault rifles

Any additional information:

I know my way around the map.

I'm very good with helicopter

I like to joke around and have fun, but i'm serious when i need to be.

Last I am generous with loot and I try to save others loot if they die.

Edited by Naildawg

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In Game Name: Hellmasker

Location: Toronto, Canada

Experience (Days/months): 2 weeks, 60 hrs

Age: 23

When Available: Afternoons 3pm to early mornings 3am (GMT -4, EST)

Time Available: 6+ hrs/day

Time Zone: EST (GMT-4)

Weapon preference: M14 AIM, M9/G17

Any additional information: steam: Hellmasker


1)Must have mic and Ts3: Yes.

2)Good Attitude: I'm very positive and mature and like to help friends/fellow players.

3)15+: Yes.

4)At least a weeks experience: Yes.

5)Be able to work as a Team: I love playing with people w/ a mic and I have had many successful adventures with some people I've met on forums.

6)Be Trustworthy: Haven't backstabbed anyone and don't find it worthwhile. I also am very well geared so there's no point.

Edited by Hellmasker

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In Game Name: kingkilla15425

Location: Minnesota, USA

Experience: Approx 2+ months (300 hours possibly)

Age: 20

When available: Dayz and Nightz

Time Available: Most of the time

Time Zone: CST (GMT -6)

Weapon Preference: Assault rifles M4A1 CCO or other, not too picky

Any additional Info:

Mature, but like to have fun

Fine at driving

Good at spotting other survivors

Don't Alt-f4 and wont play with those who do

Can follow or lead

Steam Name: kingkilla15425

Edited by kingkilla15425

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In Game Name: Kaiokhen

Location: NY

Experience (Days/months): 1 month

Age: 22

When Available: Week days

Time Available: Most of the weekdays

Time Zone: EAST -5 GMT

Weapon preference: Any but Enfield is my most favorite

Any additional information: Looking forward to have fun

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In Game Name:bakazuro

Location:melbourne aus

Experience (Days/months): 3-4 months


When Available:most night and my days off

Time Available: dayz off and 10-12pm

Time Zone: UTC+10

Weapon preference: sniper

Any additional information: id like to join because iv been getting bored running around solo and wanna raid some places with more peeps to have fun xD

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