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PDW or G17?

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I'd say stay with the g17 because it can use the m9 magazines as well and also has a flashlight. Ammo seems more prevalent for it as well.

Edit - Never mind, apparently the pdw can use that ammo as well! I guess it comes down to if you want a flashlight or an automatic gun. From what I've seen with the pdw is that it has poor iron sights.

Edited by Uz3

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The PDW is a piece of shit, it's loud, distinctive, has a massive muzzle flash and is generally inaccurate

Use the G17, assuming you can land headshots

Edited by Revilo

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The PDW is fantastic, can use 5 different mags including mp5, and if you use the sd variant of the mags it can use, it produces the silenced sound for zombies (Though still sounds normal to players) It's fantastic if you can headshot, and easily one of the most versatile weapons in game.

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I've been using the PDW for about two months now.

No plan on going back.

PDW has the one flaw of a imperfect iron sight but this doesn't matter if you get familiar with firing 'from hip'. PDW has the ability to use M9, M9SD, G17, PDW, MP5, MP5SD ammo.

The G17 is good but I'd take the PDW.

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Should I drop my Glock 17 for a PDW?

Sheer ammo availability, I go with the PDW. Yeah, the sights aren't the best, but if you've got the time to line up a headshot, you can get it. If you don't have the time, switch to full auto and hose. Same sound as the G17 since it fires the same rounds. Flashlight will just send a signal to every other survivor of where you are.

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