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Crew Wanted: Northern Airfield Raid

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what's going on everybody, i've recently gotten a bit tired of gathering the essential supplies and making the long hike all the way too the northern airfield just to be killed in a firefight against a squad of guys, or to be picked off by a sniper. So i figure if i could get another person or a few people together to raid the airfield we can share the loot (i'm not a greedy guy 50/50 split on loot). Right now i'm around cherno, If your interested send me your information on here or in a message.


Must have mumble

Must be able to handle yourself

Must speak fluent english

other than that any age is fine, idc where you're from so long as your a good crew member.

happy hunting

-Josh "blastermann1"

Edited by blastermann1

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I've been solo my entirety of the game, only watching others from a distance, or as it seems being watched by skilled snipers. Have had little trust of any other players, then again have only seen them in the world. I'd like to team up, don't know what "mumble" is, hopefully you can enlighten me. Other than that, i'd like to meet up.

Th moxy.

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mumble is kinda like skype except its only audio. i don't really have any other means of keeping in contact with who ever i team up with should we get seperated by a zombie attack or what have you. as long as we have a means of communication i'm good to go. we can build trust as we watch each others backs. where are you at in game? i'm still around cherno

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No idea really, Im near the coast.. South east coast, no map so I'm limited to my compass.

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when you first spawn in the bottom right corner there are a few lines of text that come up and the middle one says where you are at, then you can google a map thats what i usually do.

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I am in and around Cheranous factory, outskirts

Also though my mic is giving a weird feedback thing every now and then that sounds like the devil is coming through them. Don't know why, I'm using turtle beaches. Anyways, i got mumble now, Name is TH Moxy

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