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Texas Red

Recruiting some more people.

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Hello all. As the title states, I am looking to recruit a few more people into my team. People I am looking to recruit must fit the following-

-Must not be a noob. I don't want a noob who will betray us and steal or stuff, making us waste ammo on him.

-Must not try to take the 'lead' role. I don't want someone coming in trying to claim leadership of my group.

-Must have a headset. I don't want a person who is using a computer mic, as it sounds terrible.

-Must use Steam. I don't use Skype anymore, as it doesn't work for me. Steam calling works.

-Must be able to play alot. I prefer someone in the US, as they will be on a closer time zone.

Just for your information, at the time of the post, there are me and 1 other person in the group. Post your Steam username in your reply if you fit the requirements, and are looking to team up. I am looking for 1 or 2 people more to work with.

Steam username- Texas Red / overlordjwp

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dude it sounds like you run your group like a dictator i like to make my own decisions.

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